In the post-transplant phase it is important to encourage the root formation of the melon, limiting as much as possible the negative effects due to unfavourable climatic conditions such as thermal changes or periods of drought.
For this reason it is important to add, in addition to the usual elements (NPK), substances (e.g. humic) that play a biostimulating role to promote the absorption of nutrients and contribute to the improvement of soil structure.
In the next phase it is good that the biostimulation action is directed to stimulate homogeneous blooms and to promote the consequent fruit set.
Technical line
POST-TRANSPLANT: HYDROSTAR - 15 kg/ha (2-3 applications) in fertirrigation
VEGETATIVE GROWTH and EARLY BLOOMS SUPREMO- 20 l/ha in fertirrigation
In some areas, the productive phase is approaching and the fertilization must aim at maximising the fruit set and the development of new fruits. It is also essential to obtain high quality fruits, tasty and durable.
Calcium and phosphorus are used to improve the specific weight and consistency of fruits, while potassium is used to enhance fruit flavour and colour.
Therefore, in the flowering phase of the fruits, it is recommended to use foliar:
Naturblack(1.5 l/ha), a concentrate of humic acid extracts with physio-activating action particularly oriented to the new fruit.
To encourage the enlargement of the fruit is recommended to intervene in fertigation with:
Focus Ca (10-15 l/ha) which, thanks to its acidic pH, is able to improve the absorption of nutrients in the soil.
Giove Bio Gold (5 kg/ha), effective at low doses thanks to the powder formulation with very high solubility, performing an anti-stress function
For foliar it is recommended instead:
Leaf P-Ca (2-3 l/ha) to improve the quality and weight of fruits and VigorGreen (1.5 l/ha), a Canadian seaweed concentrate that stimulates the metabolism of the plant by improving flowering, moist and uniform production.
20 - 23rd November, ANFAS, Antalya Expo Center - Antalya, Turkey
GROWTECH. ANTALYA, as the world's largest exhibition dedicated to greenhouse technologies, not only gathers global attendees and prominent companies specializing in categories such as Greenhouse Technologies and Equipment, Irrigation Systems and Technologies, Seed Development and Growing, Seedling Cultivation, Plant Nutrition and Protection but also introduces a fresh perspective to the fair industry through events like the International Conferences, Growtech Agriculture Talks, and ATSO Growtech Agricultural Innovation Awards.
FCP Cerea will be present: hope to see you at Stall 6-C122
The industrial tomato has an elevate production potential. To better use this characteristic of the industrial tomato, is essential to help the plant to take root after the transplant.
The phases after the transplant are very delicate and the industrial tomato necessitates a specific and balanced nutrition in order to encourage rooting, and, at thesame time, to create the idea conditions for the vertical development of the plant
Technical line
During this period is very important to do fertirrigations with phosphorus so that the young plants can easily absorb the right quantities.
To improve the plant stress resistance, both biotic and abiotic, it is necessary to strenghten the plant by adding biostimulant substances and right amount of calcium.
It is importnat not to underestimate the importance of iron, that must be treated with the maximum attention
After the harvesting, it is necessary to follow two guidelines of fertilization when it come to citrus fruits. The first one is a top dressing fertilization of the soil in order to restore the nutritive resources of the plant. Secondly, it is important to schedule a fertlization plan that guarantees a correct blossoming and the following setting of the fruit.
At the same time, it is essential not to forget that scarcity of iron can create iron chlorosis, a pathology that can severely impact the productivity of the plant.
technical line
granular fertilizers: MASTER 300-400 kg/ha in alternative LAND 30300-400 kg/ha.
top setting fertilizers
In May, 30th, at the Oranfresh conference hall in Catania, took place As-prò, the first event joined by renowned speakers and several industry professionals.
As the name suggests, the event was born from the will to develop a projectuality that, starting from Sicily and specific crops, aims to promote and spread innovation in citrus cultivation.
CEREA FCP gathered with sicilian Research & Development Institutes, European researchers and farmers to share knowledge and experience, not only to offer new research insights or do scientific divulgation, but also to provide concrete and innovative solutions for those who operate in the field.
It must be noted that the event was also streamed live online and shortly it will be available for online streaming.
It was Federica Argentati, President of the Sicilian Citrus Fruit District, who opened the conference and played skillfully the role of moderator by introducing the speakers with the different topics covered: rootstocks, iron chlorosis, production aspects and the phytosanitary impact.
As regards rootstocks, Alberto Continella, associate Professor of General Arboriculture and tree crops at UNI Catania, has presented results on some research relative to tolerances to pathogens and to different production potentialities both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.
María Á. Forner Giner e Mary-Rus MartínezCuenca of the Center of Production of Citrus Fruits and Plants of the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) also took part to the conference in live streaming from Spain. They explained the essential role that iron plays in citrus fruits and how the element is absorbed. Finally, they thouroghly analysed iron chlorosis, a problem widely spread in mediterranean areas, to understand the triggering causes and what it involves in terms of yield.
Giuseppe Ciuffreda, Head of Research & Development and Agronomy of CEREA FCP, despite the complexity and vastness of the topic, has illustrated the advantages deriving from the use of nanotechnology to tackle iron deficiencies, in line with the European strategy “Farm to Fork” and environmental sustainability. CEREA FCP over the last few years has in fact started testing Nano.T® Fein Sicily,a new nanotechnology product, active in a wide range of pH, effective at low dosages, completely biodegradable and also used during the day in fertigation. Also, it is a winning product as compared to other traditional chelating products, since it does not precipitate and favours the acidification of the rhizosphere. As underlined by Ciuffreda, CEREA FCP is further improving the application techniques by testing the product in greenhouses on different rootstocks.
Antonino F. Catara, Scientific Director of the project SIRPA, has addressed the management of systemic pathogenic organisms of citrus fruits. Throughout his speech, possible benefits deriving from the use of nanofertilizers have emerged (not only iron-based, but also containing other elements, topic that CEREA FCP is already dealing with) to mitigate the diseases of citrus fruits coming from phloem pathogenic organisms; this is possible especially thanks to the slow and constant release of nutrients, to a major bioavailability (specific area, dimensions, reactivity), to the reduction of nutrient loss and to a major resistance against biotic and abiotic stress, aspects that favour the respect for the environment and induce quality productions.
Finally, Giancarlo Roccuzzo, researcher at the CREA institute in Acireale, dealt with the topic of agroecology to prevent microdeficiencies and illustrated techniques to recycle organic waste and increase organic matter.
Closing the event, Drs. Argentati has suggested to create a permanent workshop to network with interested parties and farmers. This solution would allow to compare the most innovative and promising techniques favouring a more rapid development and a more punctual and widespread divulgation towards manufacturers.
On the basis of these assumptions, the As-prò project will continue with other events to make the citrus industry more and more influential and profitable.
(wou will find below the video with the interviews to the speakers)
As-pró is a project born from the collaboration between FCP Cerea and Research & Development institutions based in Sicily, european researchers and farmers. The name refers to one of the main characteristics of citrus fruits (aspro : sour), and it is also formed by the suffix PRO which points out concepts such as:
with the aim of always looking ahead in space and time.
As-pró is thus the union of two essential starting points of the event which, by focusing on some of the most symbolic crops of Sicily, aims to promote and spread innovation in the agricultural field.
The first event taking place in May 30th will deal especially with problems related to iron chlorosis.
Symptoms of iron chlorosis in plants are generally caused by a low content of iron assimilable by the soil. This is called deficiency-induced chlorosis since the factors influencing it are:
Particularly calcareous soils
susceptibility of the rootstock
The Mediterranean area is particularly affected by this phenomenon, considering soil characteristics, thus also the two main citrus fruits producers in Europe: Italy and Spain. The cultivated lands in Italy and Spain are approximately 150.000 and 300.000 ha over 500.000 ha of the entire continent (FAO data 2020). In Italy, the most affected area is Sicily with 81.000 hectares (ISTAT data 2021) equal to 58% of the whole cultivation on the national territory, followed by Calabria with approximately 37.000 hectares.
2020 FAO data expressed in thousands of hectares, considering orange, lemons, limes, tangerines and clementines
2021 ISTAT data considering orange, lemons, limes, tangerines and clementines
For this reason, the first As-pró event will take place at the Oranfresh Conference hall in Catania, on Monday, May 30th from 4:00 p.m.; during the convention, organized in collaboration with Fruit Communication and the Order of Agronomists in Sicily, partners of the project will introduce the latest news to tackle the pathology and enhance yield.
Iron chlorosis has a significant economic impact since it negatively affects:
the life cycle of the tree
the number and dimension of fruits
the quality and aspect of fruits
Iron plays an essential role in photosynthesis and this is the reason why iron deficiency symptoms in citrus fruits are mainly visible in leaves losing their bright green colour and taking shades from light green to pale yellow according to the severity of the disease (leaf yellowing). Iron deficiency also influences the development and growth of new plant organs: in this case, according to the severity of the disease, the plant may encounter an early defoliation of sprouts up to their death or a stunted growth of the root system.
Citrus fruits are efficient plants which, in conditions of iron deficiency, have developed adaptive mechanisms to increase both absorption and the carrier capacity of the element. The defence strategy adopted by the farmer should take into account these mechanisms and assist the plant while carrying them out.
The knowledge of the physico-chemical characteristics of the soil and the best agricultural pratices are always recommended, in particular if they help to maintain a correct structure of the soil and an adequate quantity of organic matter. However, the choice of innovative rootstocks and the use of suitable products makes the difference in containing the disease.
FCP Cerea is testing with great results a new product based on nanotechnology in Sicily, Nano.T® Fe, and is investigating, through trials in its greenhouse on different rootstocks, the most effective strategies to tackle iron chlorosis.
Trials in the FCP greenhouse on lemon rootstocks
Trials in the FCP greenhouse on orange rootstocks
Nanotechnology represents an innovative approach since the product, thanks to the tiny particles (<100 nm), does not precipitate in non-soluble forms and guarantees a major contact surface with roots as compared to common products. The acidic nature of Nano.t Fe (pH 1,3) also favours the acidification of the rhizosphere which is essential for the absorption of nutrients. Moreover, the product is completely degradable, not subject to leaching and slowly released according to plant demands since it is retained by the solid particles of the soil. The event of May, 30th will be the occasion to listen to some of the most prominent experts in citrus cultivation, to explore the technical aspects and to significantly improve yield.
Limestone soils, pH and a non-adequate iron-based fertilization are the main causes for iron chlorosis
Chlorophyll is a natural pigment mainly present in leaves and which takes part in a fundamental process for human life: photosynthesis. Nitrogen, magnesium and iron are the essential nutrients that the plant needs in order to synthesize chlorophyll.
Iron is a necessary microelement which is however often ignored by farmers in fertilization. It is not very mobile within plant tissues and this is the reason why symptoms of iron deficiency are mostly visible in young leaves, through a yellow colour (chlorotic), showing the absence of chlorophyll synthesis (green) and a low photosyntheticactivity. The agricultural land is rich in iron, but the assimilable form, or soluble one, is very low.
Iron chlorosis is a widespread problem, especially in tree crops characterized by a multi-year cycle and by some objective limitations, since they struggle to store a correct quantity of iron.
The low availability of assimilable iron in the soil is the primary cause for deficiency. This type of chlorosis is defined as lime-induced since the high concentrations of active limestone and the elevated pH block iron (precipitation of iron-based salts) and highly limit its availability to the plant. Italian tree crops (grapevine, citrus fruits, kiwi, stone fruits...) are generally planted in soils rich in limestone with an elevated pH (over 8,0).
In order to tackle this difficulty, there are different aspects to take into account:
choice of a rootstock tolerant to high concentrations of limestone;
use of iron-based fertilizers;
irrigation management, since irrigation water brings carbonates and bicarbonates in the solution, making them active and inhibiting iron absorption.
Among these aspects, what could contribute the most to provide iron is an adequate iron-based fertilization planning.
Nano.T® Fe, thanks to its innovative patented formulation, allows to increase the effectiveness of iron absorption since the iron-phosphate within the product and the nano-dimension (<100nm) form compounds that protect the microelement against carbonates and other inorganic salts in the soil.
After using Nano.T® Fe in fertigation, the product stays in the soil and moves through the mass flow and in proximity of roots, avoiding precipitations. Also, it allows the plant to absorb iron with long-lasting effect. This ensures a nutrient effect and prevents from chlorosis, since the iron that is not absorbed by the plant remains available enriching the soil.
Phosphorus is an essential element for the plant, in fact its deficiency may cause serious consequences for its growth and productivity. Moreover, phosphorus is characterized by a low mobility in the soil and a low efficiency of use. Considering these peculiarities a correct intake is fundamental not only in the area explored by the roots, but also in the phenological phase of the plant, when the absorption of phosphorus is essential.
Figure 1: P effect on the plant physiology and growth (de Bang et al. 2020)
Moreover, phosphorus plays an essential role for a correct growth and development of plants:
It favours rooting, makes the plant more resistant to diseases and less sensitive to lodging
It is mainly concentrated in the youngest tissues of the plant, it is important for the energy metabolism and in the synthesis, demolition and transformation reactions
It is extremely important in the flowering phase and intervenes in the fundamental processes of metabolism
It increases the speed of fruit ripening and improves quality
Solubility, absorption and retrogradation of phosphorus
Besides the extremely low mobility, the solubility of phosphorus, thus its ease of absorption, depends on the soil pH. Its solubility is at its maximum in generally neutral soils, while in too acidic or basic ones it may encounter insolubility (phosphorus retrogradation).
Through different chemical, physical and biological transformations and thanks to the solubilizing ability of roots, the compounds containing phosphorus release HPO42- ions available for the plants, even if H2PO4- ion is the most assimilable by roots. However, it must be taken into account that the ratio between the two ions is determined by the soil pH, therefore with a pH inferior to 7, the ion HPO4-prevails, while with a pH superior to 7, the ion H2PO42- prevails.
In soils unfavourable to phosphorus solubility, the element may be subject to retrogradation phenomena which prevent from its absorption by the plant:
Figure 2: pH and availability of P
if dissolved in water, phosphorus is retained by colloids
in strongly acidic soils, it gives rise to insoluble compounds with iron and aluminium forming Fe and Al phosphates
in calcareous soils, tricalcium phosphate is formed and it is completely insoluble
The importance of phosphorus fertilization
In those periods of major development of the plant, the content of phosphorus present in the circulating solution within the soil is inferior to the daily intake, therefore a reintegration of the nutrient is necessary through fertilization.
On average, only 10-20% of the phosphorus provided to the soil through fertilization is absorbed by the plants. For this reason, it is recommended localizing the element in close proximity with the roots. Moreover, since it is subject to precipitation (calcium phosphates, magnesium, iron, etc.), it may be subject to losses due to surface runoff or to an accumulation in bodies of water (eutrophication of rivers, lakes and sea).
It is therefore fundamental to apply fertilizers containing high-quality and highly soluble phosphorus. If they also contain humic acids, efficiency is increased enhancing the absorption of phosphorus thanks to the formation of humo-phosphates compounds.
In this sense, a fertilization based on granular products of the Active and Active Premium families ensures the intake of soluble phosphorus. While, those of the Fert and Fert Premium families, which are organo-mineral formulas, besides containing high-quality soluble phosphorus, also contain humic extracts that during granulation bind to phosphorus protecting it from retrogradation phenomena.
The intake of high-quality phosphorus through fertilization and its absorption are fundamental requirements to favour an excellent rooting, to reduce plant susceptibility to diseases and to allow a correct vegetal development. Phosphatic fertilization, therefore, contibutes to improve the external appearance and the value of the vegetal production increasing the quality and quantity of the final yield.
A disorderly diet and the purchase of low-quality food, with a poor nutrition level in the last few years have led to malnutrition problems. This diet, with a low content of micronutrients and vitamins, is causing an increase of health problems such as anaemia and nutrition deficiencies.
Increasing the nutraceutical value of vegetablesis a particularly important challenge in developing countries, but also in those industrialised. This kind of progress may represent an added value for agriculture, favouring a major competitiveness of products on the market and ensuring a more healthy and complete nutrition for consumers.
Functional food
How could we meet the need of producing quality food in support of a correct nutrition? The answer is developing particular and specific techniques aiming to obtain functional and more nutritional products. They can be divided into four categories:
Enriched food: increase in the percentage of a naturally present nutrient in a processed/transformed food
Supplemented food: addition of a non-naturally present nutrient in a processed/transformed food
Fortified food: addition of mineral salts and/or vitamins in a processed/transformed food
Biofortified food: addition of minerals and/or vitamins during the vegetative-production cycle through an agronomic intervention.
Among the four categories, agronomic biofortification is the only way that allows to intervene directly on the plant, naturally ensuring improved nutritional values to fruit and vegetables.
Thus, biofortification employs non-invasive fertilization techniques with the aim of obtaining more healthy food and increasing nutrient bioavailability.
FCP Cerea project
FCP Cerea, in collaboration with the Medicine Department of the University of Verona, has come up with an agronomic biofortification method which allows to increase, in the treated crops, the level of nutrients which are fundamental for human nutrition.
The activities carried out allowed to positively assess, in full-scale application conditions, the developed method and its great potential.
The agronomic biofortification exemplifies our constant engagement in growing better to eat better and fully reflects our values as a Cooperative of farmers for farmers.
The fundamental factors to take into account in order to obtain high-quality yields are:
the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil;
the nutritional needs of different crops;
the time and moment of nutrient absorption of the plant.
On the basis of such information, it is possible to develop a fertilization plan suitable for every crop. The next crucial step is to choose high quality and highly efficient fertilizers to add value and obtain satisfying and sustainable crops.
The use of traditional fertilizers involves a loss of nutrients by leaching, volatilization and retrogradation (in the case of nitrogen, losses may reach 45%, while phosphorus and potassium losses may get up to 75-80% due to insolubility and fixation in the soil). This inefficiency leads to environmental costs and highly reduces the production potential of crops.
Moreover, intensive farming and crop rotations (same crops cultivated on the same soil one after the other for many years) cause soil fatigue and a consequent reductionof organic matter and microbial flora, elements that reduce the biological and physical fertility of the soil. Therefore, synchronizing the availability of nutrientsaccording to plant needs becomes fundamental to reach high quality and quantity yields.
Efficient fertilizers
Fertilizers with an improved efficiency are capable of regulating the nutrient release over time. This gradual release may be obtained through:
the use of products with particular formulations such as urea formaldehyde and organic nitrogen: slow relase molecules which require the help of microorganisms to mineralize and release nitrogen;
the coating of the granule with a waterproof material (physical barrier);
NUECR4® technology based on cationic retention.
The fertilizers developed with the NUECR4® technology by Cerea FCP show an improved efficiency and meet crop needs effectively, by releasing nutrients in a controlled and continuous way.
Thanks to the cationic retention, once distributed on the soil, the fertilizer hydrates, nitrogen solubilizes and replaces the cations present in the NUECR4® molecule within the granule. In this way, the release of cations takes place gradually and the plant can use the elements according to its needs in a more efficient way.
Our nutrient efficiency line
The NUECR4® technology family presents two products with different matrices:
Blurain, a mineral product with a high content of nitrogen and sulphur;
Cereawin, an organo-mineral product containing nitrogen and organic carbon with a high nutritional value.
Both products are capable of exchanging and releasing cations according to plant needs.
Among the Cerea FCP products, we offer other mineral NPK formulations with an improved nitrogen efficiency:
Mastercote, a mineral product with 12% of coated urea, ensuring a controlled release of the nutrient;
Control, a mineral compound NPK formulation, containing 5% of urea formaldehyde and favouring a slow nitrogen release.
NUECR4® technology and the specific nitrogen-based formulations are the ideal solutions for a targeted and effective nutrition. Improving the efficiency of fertilizers allows a correct nutrition of crops, avoiding nutrient losses and an extensive use of fertilizers. These aspects ensure yield and a high quality crop in a sustainable way.
Nanotechnology represents the last frontier in the field of technological innovation and nowadays it is employed in different industries: varnishes, microprocessors, lighting, cosmetics, medicine, batteries, etc. Between 2001 and 2013 the United States have invested more than 18 billion dollars by launching the “National Nanotechnology Initiative” to turn this technology into a driver for economic growth.
Thanks to our collaboration with the University of Verona, we have applied this innovative technology to plant nutrition.
The application of this state-of-the-art technology allowed us to obtain a patent and to develop our Nano.T line of liquid fertilizers in colloidal suspension, containing nutrients in the form of nanoparticles.
What do we mean with nanoparticles?
The nutrients contained in Nano.T fertilizers are solid particles with a dimension between 1 and 100 nanometers (1 nanometer corresponds to 1 billionth of a meter). The main advantage of nanomaterials is the high specific surface area (1 milliliter of suspension in water of Nano.T contains from 57 to 327 billion particles). The high specific surface area increases the contact area of the fertilizer with the root, it improves nutrient absorption and avoids losses in the soil. The result is an increase in the efficient use of the fertilizer, an effective and sustainable nutrition.
Nano.T: smart, innovative and sustainable fertilizers
Enhancing the efficient use of fertilizers is fundamental for an effective and targeted plant nutrition. Nano.T fertilizers are: smart, innovative and sustainable.
Smart because they are small, mobile (they move easily and quickly through the mass flow) and effective (high efficiency with low dosages)
Innovative because they represent a different concept of fertilizer as compared to those currently present on the market
Sustainable because they do not precipitate in the soil, they are completely biodegradable and can be applied at reduced dosages
The Nano.T family
The Nano.T fertilizer line is composed of three formulations: two of them are iron-based and one is complete with macronutrients.
Nano.t Fe
Iron-based fertilizer
Nano-iron based formulation that, applied in fertigation, prevents chlorosis and relative physiopathies
NPK liquid compound fertilizer with nano-iron and nano-phosphorus. It offers a complete nutrition improving the quality and productivity of crops. Moreover, nano-phosphorus protects the nutrient from retrogradation
An ever-demanding market and the necessity to produce quality food compel farmers to have effective technical means, which are able to respond to an increasing consumption without compromising consumers' health and the environment.
The importance of horticultural and fruit production in Italy
According to data collected by Eurostat, Europe (28 countries) produced about 12% of fruit and vegetable global production in 2018 (47,9 million tons of fruit and 57,8 million tons of vegetables). Spain and Italy are the leading producers in the European horticultural sector (9,8 e 6,9 million tons respectively); the two markets represent about 34% of the total production in Europe (46,8 million tons).
Also, in 2018, in EU, tomato was the most produced horticultural product (16,7 million tons) followed by onion (6,3 million tons) and carrot (5,3 million tons). As regards fruit, Spain (14,2 tons) is in the lead, closely followed by Italy (10,5 tons) and Poland (5,84 tons) [1].
Italy, along with Spain, is the main producer and exporter of fruit and vegetables in Europe. Thanks to its climatic diversity, it offers a wide range of products; it is highly regarded for the conventional agriculture of apples and pears in areas with moderate temperatures, and it is well-known as a major producer of stone fruits and high-quality horticultural products such as tomatoes and eggplants.
Over the last few years (2014-2018) our Country has produced up to 10 million tons of fruit and 7 million tons of vegetables. A third of fruit and 12% of vegetables are exported every year (Germany, France and Austria are the main destinations). 15% of horticultural production is intended for international export. Italy, in fact, is the ninth exporter of fresh vegetables, with 1,5 billion of euro reached in 2018 by exporting tomatoes, salad (in particular, ready-to-eat salad) and brassicaceae as main crops. (Source: Ismea data processing of UN-Comptrade ITC)
Chart 1: production trend (tons) and areas (ha). Ismea source on Istat data
Chart 2: % production and areas
Whereas, if we take into account the export of processed vegetables, Italy occupies the 4° position with 2,2 billion of euro in 2018 and 2,4% annual growth between 2014 and 2018. In this case, the most representative products are pulps and peeled products (42%) purées and pastes (29%). Germany, United Kingdom, France, Usa and Japan are the countries where the export is focused. (Source UN-Comptrade ITC)
Cerea FCP for a quality horticultural production
The range of products chosen to be applied to the horticultural production includes four macro-categories: mineral e organo-mineral microgranulars, organo-mineral granulars, powdered and liquid microelements and biostimulants.
Power: the Power line is characterised by microgranular formulations (0,7-1,7 mm or 1-2 mm) of mineral and organo-mineral fertilizers. The family offers a wide range of products, whic can be used both in organic and conventional farming. Their granulometry allows an application during transplant directly in contact with the seedlings or, in the case of potatoes, in contact with the seed or with the seed tuber (starter technique) without causing phytotoxicities. Moreover, it allows a reduction in dosages and respects the environment.
Fert and Fert Premium: range of organo-mineral granular products with high-quality organic matrices and high nutritional value. They contain humic acids which act on the soil by increasing the mobilization and absorption of nutrients. The organic matter present in the products enriches the soil and enhances its structure. Also, in the Fert Premium line, the potassium contained in the formulation comes from sulphate, ideal for those crops sensitive to the presence of chlorine.
Reactive: this family is composed by liquid and powdered products suitable both for fertigation and foliar treatment. They are characterized by the presence of meso and microelements, they help to prevent damages due to nutrient deficiencies and to provide plants with a balanced nutrition. In addition, some of these products, besides being allowed in organic farming, contain carboxylic or humic/fulvic acids which help to carry nutrients to the plant, increasing their absorption.
Futura: line of liquid products containing organic active substances with a stimulating action. They activate the physiological processes and the natural defence mechanisms of the plant, they favour root growth, thus increasing the absorption of nutrients and help the plant to tackle situations of abiotic stress. The biostimulants of the Futura family contain aminoacids, algaeextracts and humic/fulvic acids.
Field trials on the potato "Novella di Siracusa"
In the province of Siracusa, the potato "Novella di Siracusa", a Sicilian potato belonging to P.A.T. (Prodotti Alimentari Tradizionali, i.e., "Traditional Food Products"), is produced. It is characterised by a yellow pulp, a yellow smooth and thin skin with an elongated oval shape of medium-large size. The average yield of this potato is about 330 q/ha, and the production cycle lasts from November (sowing) to March (harvest). In the course of the 2019/2020 agricultural campaign, a field trial has been carried out in order to assess two products:
Super Power Extra, a micro-granular product of the Power family;
StimUp, a biostimulant of the Futura line.
Product description
Super Power Extra, a mineral NP microgranular compound fertilizer (granulometry between 0,7-1,7 mm), is characterized by a high content of soluble phosphorus and a 1:3 nitrogen (ammoniacal)-phosphorus ratio. The product should be applied during the sowing phase, in direct contact with the seed. Moreover, Super Power Extra contains Calcium, Boron, Iron and Zinc, wich are fundamental in the first development stages of the plant.
StimUp is a bioactivator of the rhizosphere with humic and fulvic acids and a low-molecular-weight. It stimulates the natural production of hormone-like substances, increasing the cell division of apical meristems, promoting root development and the tuber formation.
Materials and methods
Company located in the area of Porto Commerciale Augusta
Area: 1 ha
Period of sowing: November 2019
Electric conductivity and irrigation water pH: 1800 µS/cm, pH 7.3
Average water hardness: 120-150 ºF
Na average value > 300 mg/l, bicarbonates average value> 200 mg/l
Treatments Cerea FCP field trial:
Basal application with organo-mineral product with a high content of phosphorus
Localized fertilization in furrow with 40 kg/ha of Super Power Extra
StimUp at sowing, dosage of 100 ml/hl
StimUp foliar treatment with 100 ml/ha during tuber formation
Basal application with organo-mineral product with a high content of phosphorus
Fertigation with biostimulants (algae, humic acids) through sprinkler
On February 21st, 2020 the first data were collected, showing the following results:
Figure 2: Control protocol plot (photo 21/02/2020)
Figure 3: root development in Cerea FCP field trial
Figure 4: root development in Control
In Cerea FCP field trial, an optimal root development, with an increased growth of root hairs and a greater quantity of tubers (10 + 4) were observed, even though calibre and size were not completely homogeneous. Whereas, despite phenomena of morning frost, the foliar system had a balanced development, with a more globular and compact plant's habit, a thick leaf blade of a bright green colour and a greater stem section.
In the Control trial, the root system developed well, even if the presence of root hairs was inferior. The quantity of tubers was lower too (9 + 1), but they were uniform and homogeneous in size. The foliar system had an optimal development, although the percentage of damaged leaves due to frost was slightly higher than in Cerea FCP field trial. The stem section was less developed too and the plant's habit was more open and less compact, with leaf blades of regular thickness and colouring.
In April 9th, 2020 harvesting was carried out. During this phase, other tests were performed (10 m2 plot), as reported in Table 3.
Table 3: data during harvest of Cerea FCP and Control field trial
Figure 5: Cerea FCP field trial harvest
Figure 6: Control harvest
The data collected and the observations made show that the plants of Cerea FCP field trial, fertilized with Super Power Extra and StimUp at sowing, had a major developmentof the root system resulting in a big and compact plant. The tubers at harvest showed a greater weight and a uniformity in caliber. Even if the gap was slightly wider as compared to Control, the marketable yield per hectare has proven to be greater thanks to the action of StimUp during tuber formation. The product enhanced their elongation, thus allowing to further reduce waste. Furthermore, the plant has suffered less stresses from frost, showing a minor damage and a faster recovery than Control.
The field trial points out how a correct fertilization at sowing (starter technique in furrow) and the use of a biostimulant on root development promotes a homogeneous growth, a greater resistance of the plant, an increasein tuber formation and an enhanced qualitative and quantitative yield per hectare.
The European strategy “Farm to Fork" aims at reducing of 50% the use of pesticides, diminishing of 20% the employment of chemical fertilizers and, at the same time, increasing the agricultural land for organic farming.
Organic farming in Italy
The 2020 Report of Sinab (System of National Information on Organic Farming) registers an increase in the soil for organic crops of 2% as compared to 2019. Thus, in the last 10 years, Italy has reached 1.993.236 hectares with an increase of 79%, and a number of farmers equal to 80.643, registering a 69% increase. Only in 2019 the incidence of organic farming in our country has reached 15,8% of the national agricultural land. These data not only confirm the importance of organic production, but also the positioning of Italy above European average (in 2018 equal to 8%).
The crops that represent more than 60% of organic farming in our country can be divided into three main categories: pastures (551.074 ha), fodder plants (396.748 ha) and cereals (330.284 ha). Also, organic agricultural lands of olive trees (242.708 ha) and grapevine (109.423 ha) are worth mentioning.
Among the regions with the highest numbers of organic farmers we may find Sicily with 10.569 unities, followed by Calabria with 10.576 unities and Apulia with 9.380 unities. Other regions such as Marche and Veneto in the past year have registered an increase of 32% and 13% respectively.
Also, the consumption of organic products has risen by 4,4%, surpassing 3,3 billions of euro (resource ISMEA). The main products are those for the fresh market: vegetables (+7,2%) and fruit (+2,1%). Moreover, during lockdown, there has been a considerable increase in the purchase of organic flours of 92%.
Frome these data, it is evident that we are heading to a new conception of food production, which, as a consequence, is also reflected in the fertilizer production industry.
In order to help achieve the objectives defined by the EU, Cerea FCP would like to offer to the farmer a range of products for organic farming. Thanks to our R&D activities, we have worked intensively to obtain effective organic formulations which guarantee a top-level vegetal nutrition.
Grow well to eat better
The organic line developed by Cerea FCP includes products divided into three main categories: granular/pelleted, microgranular and liquid:
- Organic: it gives the name to our family of granular products for organic farming. We have developed organo-mineral and organic formulations of high quality and ideal for basal application and top dressing for all crops.
They are characterised by the presence of organic nitrogen which ensures a slow release of the element in the soil, avoiding leaching and guaranteeing a constant intake over time. Moreover, they provide organic matter and microorganisms which enrich the soil and improve its structure.
- Power: within the line we may find products allowed in organic farming. They are organo-mineral formulations based on raw materials of high qualitative value and in microgranular forms, ready to be applied in small dosages and ideal for the starter technique at sowing or transplant. Their granulometry is significantly lower than in other granular products, thus allowing an application directly at sowing in low dosages and without causing phytotoxicities.
-Futura: this family is composed by special products, mainly liquid, which act as stimulators within the plant. They are based on meso and micronutrients linked to natural molecules (e.g. amino acids or humic acids), that stimulate the physiological processes of plants, promoting their growth and productivity, increasing their tolerance to abiotic stresses and a more efficient use of fertilizers (producing more food, while employing fewer resources).
Projects involving our products
Cerea FCP products have been at the centre of degree theses or projects with the University and Technical Institutes. Various tests were carried out and, as a result, we had the opportunity to evaluate once more the effectiveness and the application of our formulations.
Here we will show you the thesis of a student of the Agrarian Institute based in Buttapietra (VR) during the 2019-2020 campaign. The product considered was Power BioAger, an organo-mineral microgranular formulation allowed in organic farming. The following test was performed on organic durum wheat in Asparetto di Cerea (VR). The plot was subdivided in three areas where three types of different applications were tested. Two plots were fertilized with the starter technique, a method that allows the direct contact of the seed with the fertilizer. This is possible because the specific weights of the seed and of the microgranule are very similar, thus ensuring a homogeneity between the quantity of seeds and of the fertilizer applied.
Figure 1: subdivision of the plot considered
Field trial 1 is represented in green on the left: here, Power BioAger was applied in a dosage of 100 kg/ha in direct sowing.
The light blue area represents the Control trial, following our company nutritional protocol (no fertilization at sowing).
Lastly, the red area on the right shows Field trial 2, that is the application of 50 kg/ha of Power BioAger in direct sowing.
Figure 2: loading of the hopper with a mix of seed and microgranular Power BioAger
Figure 3: starter technique at sowing
Previously, an analysis of the soil has been carried out by a credited laboratory, showing the following results:
Figure 4: Soil analysis report
In the table below, the application period and the products employed in all three plots are reported. The difference between the Control trial and Field trials 1 and 2 is evident only at sowing, when no fertilizer was applied on the Control, while on the Field trials were applied different quantities of the same organic fertilizer (Power BioAger), as previously mentioned.
Table 1: application periods and products employed on all three plots
The pictures taken forty-seven days after sowing showed the germinated wheat and its root system, where significant differences were found between Field trials and Control.
Figure 5: Witness roots, company's nutritional plan
Figure 6: Roots of Field trial 1 plants, 100 kg/ha of Power BioAger
Figure 7: Roots of Field trial 2 plants, 50 kg/ha of Power BioAger
Afterwards, the heights of 10 plants were measured at earing for each trial and the number of ears per square meter were counted. Subsequently, during harvest, an estimation of yield per hectare of all three plots was made and these were the results: 26 quintals for the Control trial, 32 quintals for Field trial 1 and 36,5 quintals for Field trial 2 (chart 3).
Chart 1: n° of ears
Chart 2: height (cm) of wheat ears at harvest
Chart 3: yield per hectare (ql/ha)
Table 2: number of ears per mq
Figure 10: Control height
Figure 11: Field trial 1 height, 100 kg/ha of Power BioAger
Figure 12: Field trial 2 height, 50 kg/ha of Power BioAger
At a later stage, Cerea FCP agronomic laboratory carried out analyses in order to calculate the weight of a thousand seeds (g) and the hectolitre weight (kg/hl).
The humidity of wheat at harvest was registered at 17%. Wheat was then dried obtaining a percentage of humidity equal to 12%, with a loss of product of 3%.
Table 3: Weight of seeds, hectolitre weight and yield per hectare
Chart 4: weight (g) of 1000 seeds
Chart 5: hectolitre weight (kg/hl)
From the results obtained, it follows that, with the use of Power BioAger in the starter fertilization at sowing, higher yields per hectare with a greater production quality were registered: a higher weight of seeds, a major hectolitre weight. As regards the vegetative growth, it was observed that the radical system was more developed, the height of plants was higher as well as the number of ears per square meter (twice as much as in Control and Field trial 1).
The dosage per hectare which gave the best results in terms of yield was Field trial 2 (36,5 ql/ha). In Field trial 1 (100 kg/ha) crop conditions were optimal in the initial stages (more plants per m2) favouring an ideal tillering. However, this did not lead to production, since at booting and ripening the plant was not supported by an adequate nitrogen-based nutrition.
Applying high-quality products with the best technologies has the objective to produce more by employing less resources. The strategy Farm to Fork sets challenging objectives, therefore the job of the farming system and of the whole supply chain will be to innovate and to pursue an ever-increasing sustainable development.
A correct fertilization of grapevine prevents and avoids potential damage caused by nutritional deficiencies. Fertilizing at the end of the production cycle promotes an optimal plant development and a qualitative improvement of grapes.
Moreover, precision agriculture, the use of satellite systems and prescription maps allow to optimize the use of fertilizers.
Autumn fertilization in post-harvest, before the fall of leaves, is a cultivation practice that should not be underestimated. It is the ideal moment to reintegrate the soil with the nutrients that the plant has used during the production cycle and to allow the grapevine to create reserves in order to survive winter and the next season.
Fundamental macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium must be available for the plant at the right time in order to guarantee an adequate nutrition since the earliest stages. Phosphorus is of primary importance: it is not a very mobile element in the soil, therefore it is necessary to apply it not only in the right quantity, but also to place it in a way that it will be assimilated quickly by plants, thus avoiding potential deficiencies and related symptoms.
Damage due to nutrients deficiency occurs with a reduction in photosynthesis, leaf yellowing or necrosis, underdeveloped plants, low-quality grapes and, in the worst case, production loss. So, it is necessary to integrate all nutrients through fertilization, so that the soil becomes rich and provides the plant with all the nutrients it needs during its biological cycle.
After harvest, the next step is fertilizing the grapevine, therefore Cerea FCP would like to share the importance and the advantages of autumn fertilization.
Our suggestions for a proper vineyard fertilization
In Cerea FCP, we would like to support you in the choice of the ideal fertilizer according to your vineyard’s needs and to help you throughout the whole production cycle of your plants. For this reason, in the last few years, we have developed a product/service package to optimize the fertilization of grapevine. The package includes:
- granular and special products suitable for each phase of the vegetative production cycle
- a satellite tracking system which allows to monitor the plot and to evaluate various technical parameters remotely. For more information, you may read the dedicated article.
In our grapevine line, the two recommended products for fertilization are Vinfrutto at a dosage of 300 kg/ha and Bluactive at a dosage of 400 kg/ha.
Vinfrutto is an organo-mineral granular compound NPK 8.6.14 fertilizer with 3% calcium, 2% magnesium, 30% soluble sulphur and microelements (boron, iron, zinc), 2% organic nitrogen and humic acids.
The application of Vinfrutto 8.6.14 in autumn guarantees:
a slow release of nitrogen with a fractional absorption over time
a balanced C/N ratio which, together with humic acids, stimulates the microbiological activity of the soil
a better assimilation of phosphorus, since it is linked to humic acids
robustness of tissues thanks to the presence of calcium
enhancement of metabolic processes and lower influence of nutritional deficiencies thanks to the presence of magnesium, sulphur and microelements
an improvement of fruit set because of the presence of potassium and soluble sulphur
an increase in the Brix degree since zinc and potassium are involved in the production processes of sugar
Blueactive is a mineral granular compound NPK 11.11.16 fertilizer with low contents of chlorine, 2% magnesium, 30% soluble sulphur, boron and zinc.
The application of Bluactive 11.11.16 in autumn guarantees:
a controlled release of nutrients, minimising losses
an adequate nutrition since the earliest stages
a better absorption of phosphorus as a result of its solubility
a lower influence of nutritional deficiencies thanks to the presence of microelements
an increase in the photosynthetic activity because it contains magnesium and sulphur
a better fertility of the flower because of the presence of boron and an increase in fruit set thanks to potassium and soluble sulphur
an increase in the Brix degree since zinc and potassium are involved in the production processes of sugar
The opinion of our clients is our best slogan
In Cerea FCP we believe that the best way to endorse the effectiveness of our products and the quality of our work is through our clients' feedbacks.
We would like to briefly share Cerea FCP experience in 2019 in collaboration with a wine company located in the Marche hills. We are in a Verdicchio vineyard where, at the end of the production cycle, deficiency symptoms, low yields and of poor quality emerged.
According to the company's agronomist, Filippo Paolasini, the vineyard presented a few areas with vegetative decay and a widespread leaf yellowing. In order to further explore the problem and give a solution, we carried out a study on a soil analysis of 2015 provided by the company and an analysis of foliar petioles (spring 2019) by dividing the plot in two areas.
Figure 1. Air view of the plots analysed and of the samples TC1 and TN2 position
According to the results of the soil analysis, it can be observed that the sample plot 1 has a clay-loam texture (36% clay content). It is a strongly calcareous soilwith a high percentage of active limestone (174 g/kg), a pH of 8,1 and a CSC of 21.5 meq/100g. This, in combination with a clayey soil, highly reduces the effective availability of nutrients (insolubility caused by the formation of salts)
Concerning the sample plot 2, we may notice a clayey texture (48% clay). It is a strongly calcareous soil with an excess of active limestone (168 g/kg) and a pH of 8,1. Its CSC is even higher, 24,9 meq/100g. However, as in the previous case, this, in combination with a clayey soil, highly reduces the effective availability of nutrients.
Table 1: soil analysis results
Moreover, in the table above, it is noticeable that assimilable phosphorus in both plots is very low. This is mainly due to the strong presence of active limestone and a high pH equal to 8,1. Phosphorus is not a very mobile element in the soil and its absorption is strongly influenced by an alkaline pH, causing insolubility through the precipitation of phosphorus in calcium phosphate.
Afterwards, in the 2019 campaign (spring), we have analysed the foliar petioles harvested right after flowering (leaf opposed to the grape) so as to evaluate their content of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc and manganese (see table 2).
Table 2: foliar petioles analysis results expressed in ppm
After comparing analysis results with data shown in bibliography, we may affirm that Calcium and Magnesium present lower values than optimal ones [1] (3.000-5.000 ppm for magnesium and 10.000-30.000 for calcium). On the contrary, as regards Copper and Zinc, the values obtained are superior, while Iron and Manganese ones are average.
Concerning exchangeable magnesium, even if the soil analysis registered an average value in TC1 and a high value in TN2, with an optimal Mg/Kratio in both plots (3,3 e 4,1), the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil (clayey texture, active limestone and high CSC, pH 8,1) actually cause a reduction in the availability of magnesium. In these conditions, Magnesium and Potassiumcompete with one another favouring the absorption and assimilation of K over Mg. This is the reason why, both in petioles and plants analysis, values and symptoms caused by Mg deficiency were found.
[1] Grapevine Nutrition, Mark L. Chien, Penn State Cooperative Extension,Lancaster, PA,
Figure 2. Evident symptoms of magnesium deficiency on the oldest leaves. (10/06/19) -Photos taken from F. Paolasini.
Figure 3. Evident symptoms of phosphorus deficiency (10/06/19) -Photos taken from F. Paolasini.
In figure 2, we may notice symptoms of magnesium deficiency on the oldest leaves: yellowing with more evident veins in green. Whereas, in figure 3, we may observe the lack of plant development, poor vegetation and limited flowering, symptoms mainly caused by a failed absorption of phosphorus in the early stages.
After a study of the data gathered and according to the experience of the agronomist Filippo Paolasini, Cerea FCP agronomic service suggested an intervention through a specific nutritional strategy in order to address these deficiencies.
We recommended the application of Vinfrutto 8.6.14 at a dosage equal to 300 kg/ha during the autumn basal application and a second application before the opening of buds in spring. Moreover, we suggested the integration of a Phosphorus enriched fertilizer to be placed close to the root system (use of a fertilizer applicator, see an example in figure 4).
We asked the agronomist Paolasini to tell us his experience with Cerea FCP products. You will find below a brief comment concerning his collaboration with our company:
“I'm Filippo Paolasini, agronomist. I used the Vinfrutto product in the spring fertilization in a vineyard in the province of Ancona. The fertilizer was chosen after a foliar analysis by Cerea FCP staff. By cross-referencing the data obtained with soil analysis, deficiencies caused by an unbalanced Mg/K ratio emerged. By applying Vinfrutto in spring and autumn we managed to improve efficiency in the absorption of some elements (mainly magnesium and phosphorus) and we noticed a significant improvement in plant development”
A correct autumn fertilization ofwheat allows to obtain more plants per m2 and a higher ear density. Moreover, the use of prescription maps and satellite control diminishes waste and optimises fertilizer dosages.
Fertilization is a practice which calls for particular attention in every season, including autumn.
We are almost close to the wheat sowing season, therefore Cerea FCP would like to share the importance and the advantages of a correct basal application.
Basal application aims to reintroduce those nutrients that plants have removed during their production cycle, in order to maintain soil fertility constant. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are fundamental macronutrients for wheat growth and, for this reason, we must ensure that they are available in the right moments (mainly phosphorus and potassium from the earliest stages and nitrogen, especially from the booting stage). In particular, providing phosphorus during the sowing of wheat is important to guarantee a good germination and optimal root development and tillering.
Phosphorus is not very mobile in the soil (few mm each year), therefore it needs to be located close to the roots. Hence applying a fertilizer at sowing facilitates absorption processes and increases the efficient use of nutrients.
Our wheat nutrition proposal
Cerea FCP developed a product/service package to optimize fertilization of soft and hard wheat. The solution includes:
granular and special products suitable for each phase of the vegetative and production cycle
a satellite monitoring system which allows to observe a plot and make technical assessments directly from your computer. We have already discussed the topic here.
Within our wheat line, we offer two products, Granoro and SuperPower Plus: the first one is ideal for the traditional basal application at pre-sowing (300-400 kg/ha), while the second one can be applied in furrow with the starter technique (30-50 kg/ha).
a high content of soluble phosphorus immediately available for the plant
an easy nutrient assimilation thanks to the presence of humic acids
uniformity in the emergence and an optimal development of the root system
increase in the protein content thanks to the presence of soluble sulphur
a better tillering
increase in the number of ears per m2
a greater number of spikelets.
The following results were obtained in the field by applying 330 kg/ha of Granoro 10.20 through an autumn basal application.
Figure 1: percentage of emergence 48 days after sowing. Results obtained by Cerea FCP comparing two plots of the same wheat variety (Artù SN): on the right, autumn fertilization with 330 kg/ha of Granoro 10.20; on the left, no fertilization (2017/2018).
Figure 2: number of ears per m2 six months after sowing. Results obtained by Cerea FCP comparing two plots of the same wheat variety (Artù SN): on the right, autumn fertilization with 330 kg/ha of Granoro 10.20; on the left, no fertilization (2017/2018).
SuperPower Plus 9.29 is a micro-granular mineral compound fertilizer with 9% nitrogen, 90% phosphorus, 4% calcium, 15% sulphur with boron and zinc. It is the ideal product for an application in furrow, in direct contact with the seed.
The application of SuperPower Plus 9.29 ensures:
a balanced ratio between nitrogen and phosphorus
a high content of soluble phosphorus immediately available for the plant
a more balanced nutrition from the earliest stages
a better absorption of phosphorus since it is found in proximity of the roots
a greater number of spikelets
an increase in the number of ears per m2
an increase in the seed protein content thanks to soluble sulphur
an increase in the efficiency of fertilizer application
lower dosages
high uniformity in distribution and possibility to apply it directly in contact with the seed
The following results were obtained in the field by applying 50 kg/ha of SuperPower Plus 9.29 directly in furrow.
Figure 3: percentage of emergence 48 days after sowing. Results obtained by Cerea FCP comparing two plots of the same wheat variety (Artù SN): on the right, autumn fertilization with 50 kg/ha of SuperPower Plus 9.29; on the left, no fertilization (2017/2018).
Figure 4: number of ears per m2 six months after sowing. Results obtained by Cerea FCP comparing two plots of the same wheat variety (Artù SN): on the right, autumn fertilization with 50 kg/ha of SuperPower Plus 9.29; on the left, no fertilization (2017/2018).
Prescription maps
This new technology allows to cultivate with more awareness, combining traditional techniques with precision agriculture tools.
Cultivating well is not only providing the right nutrients at the right time, but also applying products more effectively.
How can we achieve this goal?
Agricolus offers a precision agriculture tool which allows to map the plot in a defined number of areas with different nutritional needs. The aim is to optimize fertilization by applying the most suitable fertilizers to those areas with the same needs (homogeneous areas), thus creating a prescription map.
The advantages that you will get from using a prescription map in order to cultivate wheat are:
providing the plant with the correct quantity of fertilizer
reducing waste
rebalancing nutrients in the soil
optimizing plant growth
ensuring a lower environmental impact of the fertilizer.
Figure 5: example of prescription map for wheat fertilization
Considering the tests carried out in the field, we may understand the correct basal application on wheat with Granoro or SuperPower Plus (at sowing), allowing to obtain an increase in emergence (more plants per m2) and a higher density of ears per m2. Finally, the use of prescription maps and satellite monitoring enable to reduce waste and optimize fertilizer dosages in the various vegetative phases.
For further information on our wheat package or on prescription maps, contact us by filling the following form.
Bigger berries, higher Brix degree and a better market positioning: these are the results obtained by Cerea FCP through field tests on the processing tomato.
The importance of processing tomato in the Italian agriculture
Italy is one of the major producers of processing tomato in Europe. In 2019 its cultivation has reached a total area of 77.437 hectares, with an increase of approximately 7% as compared to last year. In the same year, only in Northern Italy the production has reached 24.697.706 quintals in total, that is about 51% of national production. (Data source: ISTAT, Italian National Institute of Statistics)
In the last few years organic farming has significantly grown. In particular, in 2020 the production of processing tomato through organic farming has reached an area equal to 3.451 hectares. Its organic crop is mainly located in the province of Ferrara, covering 2.212 hectares, followed by Ravenna (416 ha), Parma (247 ha), Verona (173 ha) and Piacenza (120 ha). (Data source:
These data highlight the increasing importance of the processing tomato crop for the economy of the country. In order to meet the standards demanded by the market, a particular attention from the nutritional and agronomical point of view is required. As a consequence, it becomes fundamental to invest in the research of specific fertilizers, able to satisfy nutritional needs during the whole crop cycle.
In Cerea FCP, we are trying to meet this particular need, providing fertilizers and special products which can ensure productions with the appropriate physical and organoleptic characteristics.
Cerea FCP nutrition proposal
In order to make a comparison between our nutrition proposal and companies’ practices, both in organic and conventional farming, in the course of 2020 we have performed tests on processing tomato. They were structured by dividing plots into two areas: the first one has been treated with the nutrition methodology proposed by Cerea FCP, the second one by employing companies’ cultivation practices. Arbitrary tests have been carried out on 1 m2 in three different sites (a total of 3 m2 for each field trial) within the production area.
Testing processing tomato plots
Tests have been conducted with the aim of:
Increasing yields
Increasing berry’s texture
Increasing sugar content (higher Brix degree)
Test with conventional farming techniques (Veneto) In the nutrition proposal of Cerea FCP the following products were applied in fertigation:
Calcito: corrective with carboxylic acids acting as root system activator.
Proser MnZn: blend of microelements containing Zinc and Manganese vectored by carboxylic acids.
Shortly before harvesting, we have taken samples and studied the parameters below:
the number of red and green berries
total kg of berries
Brix degree
These are the results obtained in relation with companies’ techniques:
Shortly before harvesting, we have taken samples on which we have observed:
Red berries yield (kg/m2)
Brix degree
The charts in figure 1 and 2 report the results obtained in the experimental test of conventional farming.
Fig. 1: Production of red berries (Kg/m2). Cerea FCP trial produced 9,15 kg/m2 against 7,9 of companies’ trial. Increase of 16%. Hybrid UG 11227
Fig. 2: Refractometric Brix degree. Cerea FCP trial (5,4) registered an increase of 3,8% as compared to companies’ trial (5,2). Hybrid UG 11227
Test with organic farming techniques (Emilia-Romagna) In Cerea FCP nutrition proposal the following products were employed:
Verv Plus: protein hydrolysate of animal origin with amino acids, nitrogen and organic carbon, enriched with microelements.
Proser MnZn: blend of microelements containing Zinc and Manganese vectored by carboxylic acids.
Proser Ca: fluid fertilizer containing Calcium and carboxylic acids increasing berries texture and elasticity.
Also in this case, shortly before harvesting, we have taken samples on which we have observed:
Red berries yield (kg/m2)
Brix degree
Berry’s average weight
Rot influence
The charts in figure 3 and 4 report the results obtained in the experimental test of organic farming.
Fig. 3: Red berries production (Kg/m2). Cerea FCP trial produced 10,3 kg/m2 against 9,0 of companies’ trial. Increase of 14%. Hybrid UG 11227
Fig. 4: Berry average weight. Cerea FCP trial (5,4) registered an average weight equal to 75,2 g as compared to companies’ trial (65,2 g). Hybrid UG 11227
FCP nutrition proposal, both in organic and conventional farming, led to encouraging results since it produced a major fruit size as well as a greater Brix degree with respect to companies’ nutritional techniques.
In the conventional farming test in Cerea FCP field trial a higher yield per hectare (9,15 against 7,90 kg/m2) and a higher Brix degree (5,4 against 5,2) were obtained. This allowed to get a higher price of 1,1 €/ton equal to 100 € per hectare only as quality reward, to be added to the extra GSP (Gross Saleable Product) gained by the total increase in production.
In the organic farming test, results were similar to the conventional one. In particular, Cerea FCP field trial registered an increase in yield (10,3 against 9,0 kg/m2), in the berry’s average weight (75,2 g against 65,7), in the Brixdegree (4,5 against 4,2) and a significantly lower influence of rotten berries (2,1 berries/m2 against 7,5).
In a market such as that of tobacco in which future perspectives are not very reassuring, it becomes necessary to focus on quality as well as on yield.
In occasion of a conference on tobacco organised by Cerea FCP, Andrea Franceschi, journalist for "Il Sole 24 Ore" newspaper, assessed the global situation of the last few years. The 5 companies that control the global market (Philip Morris International, Altria, Japan Tobacco, British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands and China National Tobacco) have suffered the effects of a consumption which has significantly diminished in the last 10 years. China is the only country where the number of smokers has remained stable.
In order to limit the damage, companies have focused on Reduced-Risk Products (RRPs), such as electronic cigarettes and devices avoiding tobacco combustion. However, these products are under examination (and under accusation) due to the presence of chemical components and nicotine, an addictive chemical; moreover, the percentage of nicotine has some limits equal to 7% in a few products in the USA and 2% in Italy.
As regards the situation in the peninsula, the first producer in Europe, the tobacco industry has undergone various transformations. In the last few years, public support has decreased and, from 2010 to 2018, farmers have greatly diminished from over 5.000 to 2.000 (EU Commission data), as well as cultivated areas.
In this scenario, quality becomes a fundamental aspect on which farmers have to focus, besides yield. Giuseppe Ciuffreda, head of the Cerea FCP agronomic service, explains: “Nitrogen fertilization has a relevant influence on the physico-chemical properties which make tobacco suitable for industrial use, but Calcium is essential too”. An experimental test carried out in 2019 on various Verona areas highlighted this aspect. The use of Calcito (9% of soluble Calcium plus 1% of Magnesium soluble in liquid form) with a radical biostimulant (Proser MnZn, a mix of Manganese and Zinc in liquid form) in 4 treatments from the end of May to mid-July has led to an increase of 21,5% of the dry matter per hectare (+4,4q/ha) as compared to the plot. This increase was evident both on central and apical leaves.
The assimilable Calcium determines a prolonged stay-green, increases the dimension of leaves, and, as a consequence, yield and profitability.
Satellite observation of a field and prescription maps. The different colours indicate different stress conditions of the crop in various plot areas.
Cerea FCP introduces a new agronomic service based on the satellite observation of crops. The new approach aims to provide our clients an innovative and personalised service, with an eye to precision agriculture and agriculture 4.0, through the Sentinel 2 satellite monitoring system.
Without being phisically in the fields, it allows to monitor crop parameters (every 5 days) and to promptly identify the activities to perform:
inspections of specific areas of the field
rapid, targeted and effective interventions
an improved activity planning.
The Cerea FCP technical-agronomic office will be at the side of the farmer by offering adequate solutions and strategies, thanks to nutritional guidelines specially designed by Cerea FCP for every single crop and demand of the farmer.
With the use of a simple device (PC, Tablet or smartphone), Cerea FCP gives the farmer the opportunity to access a platform and monitor:
their own crop health,
the vegetative course/trend/progress with a 10m x 10m precision of plots,
the soil water status,
the creation of downloadable prescription maps (also on USB devices).
Cerea FCP believes that new technologies may shorten the distance between farmers and technicians, promoting a unique, innovative and effective experience.
For further information, please, contact us at the following addresses:
Cerea FCP doesn’t stop its operations: our granulation system is still working 24/7; the logistics and shipping departments are active from 8:00 to 19:00 Monday to Friday. The activities have been reorganized according to the guidance provided by the Government, in order to guarantee safety standards for all the workers involved. The new technologies allow us to continue some activities directly from home, therefore you can contact us for any of your needs. Our contact details:
Italy sales: Matteo Steccanella
Mobile: 345 4804778
Foreign sales: Nicola Quintavalle
Mobile: +39 391 3198707
Skype: nicolaquitavalle
Our commitments remain the same, especially at this time: to produce fertilizers to feed the plants and to contribute to food production.