Post transplant fertilization of industrial tomato
The industrial tomato has an elevate production potential. To better use this characteristic of the industrial tomato, is essential to help the plant to take root after the transplant.
Fertilization of citrus fruits after the harvesting
After the harvesting, it is necessary to follow two guidelines of fertilization when it come to citrus fruits. The first one is a top dressing fertilization of the soil in
As~pró has started, a project promoted by CEREA FCP aiming at innovating italian citrus cultivation
In May, 30th, at the Oranfresh conference hall in Catania, took place As-prò, the first event joined by renowned speakers and several industry professionals.As the name suggests, the event was
As-pró – Innovation in citrus cultivation: citrus fruit rootstocks and iron chlorosis, production aspects and phytosanitary impact
As-pró is a project born from the collaboration between FCP Cerea and Research & Development institutions based in Sicily, european researchers and farmers. The name refers to one of the
Nano.T®: tackling iron chlorosis in tree crops
Limestone soils, pH and a non-adequate iron-based fertilization are the main causes for iron chlorosis Chlorophyll is a natural pigment mainly present in leaves and which takes part in a
Phosphorus: availability and absorption
Phosphorus is an essential element for the plant, in fact its deficiency may cause serious consequences for its growth and productivity. Moreover, phosphorus is characterized by a low mobility in