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NB: Nella scelta del parametro coltura bisogna considerare che a seconda della tipologia del prodotto questa può essere attribuita singolarmente o per famiglia (ad esempio: una ricerca riguardante il melo per essere completa andrà fatta selezionando melo ma successivamente anche pomacee).


cellular division promotor

CRISCOis a concentrate of Canadian Ascophyllum Nodosum algae (25%), rich in biologically active substances that promote cell division. Due to ita pasrticular composition it activates photsynthesis by augmenting the number of chlorophyll in the leaves. Crisco stimkulates root development, otimize and improve nitrogen absorption. Furthemore, the algae extract have a biostimulant effect on the plant by increasing its metabolism e its capacity to resist to stress situations.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Plant metabolism promoter

VIGORGREEN is a cold-extracted concentrate of Canadian origin Ascohpyllum Nodosum seaweed. This extraction allows to preserve the biologically active compounds (Polysaccharides, fucoidans, cytokines, auxins, gibberellins, betaines, alginates, mannitol, alginic acid etc) and ensure a more effective action on plants. The associated microelements (chelated iron DTPA, complexed boron and molybdenum) stimulate the metabolism of the plant by improving flowering, fruit set and uniformity of production. The present free amino acids with auxin action also stimulate fruit growth and production both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Its use in the early stages (post-transplantation for horticultural plants, vegetative recovery for fruit trees) improves the state of health of the plants and balances their growth.

• Promotes more balanced vegetative plant development
• Inverting action due to increased photosynthetic activity
• Improved nutrient absorption;
• Increased blooming and greater fruit set
• Allows you to obtain fruits of greater size and better quality

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Physioactivator of the plant and soil
5.0.0+18C N-org

Supremo is a product made with pure emoglobine derived by animal blood that has been properly processed and concentrated. The low temperature processing allows to preserve all  the emoglobine functional charcateristics and guarantess a great efficiency. Supremo is rich with aminoacids and contains Triptofane, an aminoacid that persegutes auxins, to stimulate plant growth. Supremo is also rich with biologically active organic iron, its constant use allows the plants to stay active and green. Supremo can be used with all types of soils and it stimulates microrganismic activity that are present in teh soil unblocking the nutritive elements. Supremo can be used at low temperatures and in case of “stuck” plants for stimulating theri growth

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Foliar energizer based on calcium and magnesium
12 CaO + 4 MgO

MagnetiCal is a liquid fertilizer rich in sugar which readily provides energy to the plant.
The vegetal matrices and the subacidic pH favour a rapid and complete assimilation of calcium and Magnesium. The use of MagnetiCal increases the vigourness of the plant (better photosynthesis and metabolic activity), by strengthening and increasing the consistency of fruits; in this way it is possible to obtain a product of much higher quality.


  • The plant is more active thanks to the significant presence of sugar and magnesium;
  • The plant is more robust and fruits have a better shelf-life thanks to the presence of calcium;
  • Organoleptic qualities are enhanced (flavour, consistency and colour);
  • It improves the effectiveness of other products employed (both fertilizers and/or pesticides), since it has an adhesive and carrier capacity.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Focus Ca

Systemic organocomplexed calcium
15 CaO

FOCUS Ca contains a high percentage of calcium totally complexed with ligninsulfonate; this makes the calcium completely assimilable, mobile inside the plant and not washable in the soil. The product is effective at low doses even at low temperatures and, thanks to its acidic pH, it can improve the absorption of nutrients in the soil.
FOCUS Ca is particularly suitable to combat the apical rot, bitter butteratura of pome fruits, tip burn of salads and helps to counteract the desiccation of the rachis in vineyards. FOCUS Ca directly affects the quality of the productions improving the shelf life both on the plant and in the post-harvest.

– Stronger and more robust plants (thicker and more resistant plant tissues);
– Better fruit quality (colour, taste);
– Increased shelf life on the plant and in post-harvest;
– Reduced susceptibility to fruit cracking.

ReactiveThe meso & microelements force


8.15.8+4CaO+16SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Triostart is an organo-mineral NPK complex fertilizer rich in phosphorus which is totally assimilable.
The organic matrix which derives from hydrolyzed gelatin (rich in amino acids) improves the structure of the soil and ensures a slow-release nitrogen nutrition. The phosphorus present is not retrogradable because it is bound to a humic matrix (humic acids) which allows its complete assimilation. It is particularly suitable for the stimulation of the root system, to strengthen the plant and, in the meantime, to
reintegrate soil fertility.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Red Ball

NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Red Ball is a mineral NPK complex fertilizer rich in nitrogen, potassium and sulphur
to improve the quality of the productions.
The elevated content of sulphur within the fertilizer acidifies the soild and allows a better assimilation of nutrients, moreover the ratio between N/K nourishes and strengthens the plant at the same time. Iron stimulates photosynthesis and has a greening action. Phosphorus keeps the root system active and receptive.

Dual Band

7.22.0+3CaO+16SO3+0,01Zn+7,5C-Org 1,5N-Org

Dual Band is a NP organo-mineral fertilizer activated by humic and fulvic acids and obtained through granulation of selected raw materials.
Dual Band contains organic nitrogen of amino-acidic origin, zinc, calcium and sulphur, which all favour an optimal sprouting of the seed and development of the root system. The presence of humic and fulvic acids have a biostimulant action and, moreover, guarantees nutrient availability for the crop limiting processes of retrogradation
of phosphorus and nitrogen leaching.
Dual Band can be applied to all crops, in particular during the stage of pre-sowing of winter cereal crops.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Vinfrutto Star

10.10.15+2MgO+28SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Vinfrutto Star is an NPK organo-mineral complexed fertilizer, which is balanced and
complete. The high title and the low chlorine content make the product of elevated quality. The ratio among nutrients is balanced and ensures to the plant a complete and constant nutrition during
the whole crop cycle. Vinfrutto Star is ideal for every crop, especially for the fertilization of post-harvest/autumn – winter fruit crops.
Vinfrutto star contains:
• 2% of organic nitrogen of high quality, rich in amino acids and polypeptides which allow a gradual absorption over time;
• Assimilable phosphorus and non retrogradable in the soil;
• Magnesium and sulphur with a greening and acidifying action;
• Humic acids which improve the structure of the soil and promote the absorption of nutrients.


Calcium and magnesium in an acidic formulation for maximum effectiveness
8,2N + 10CaO + 4 MgO

CalcioMagno is a liquid acidic fertilizer (pH 2,6) with a high effectiveness, rich in calcium and magnesium added to organic acids with a carrier action.
CalcioMagno is composed of pure raw materials and is rapidly absorbed and carried within the plant up to the leaves and fruits. Moreover, it provides organic acids that gradually and constantly acidify the rhizosphere improving the assimilation of nutrients.

  • Activation of photosynthesis thanks to the presence of magnesium carried and activated by organic acids;
  • Improvement of fruit shelf-life thanks to the high concentration of calcium activated by organic acids;
  • Rhizosphere acidification;
  • Ideal for horticultural and fruit crops: to tackle apical rot of tomatoes, bitter pit of apples, lettuce hemming and rachis desiccation in the vineyards, and to improve shelf-life and consistency of fruits.


ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Giove Bio Gold

100% vegetable amino acids

GIOVE BIO GOLD has a very high concentration of vegetable amino acids (98%) in medium-short chains with a phytostimulant, anti-stress and nutritional action. GIOVE BIO GOLD is effective at low doses thanks to the highly soluble powder formulation. GIOVE BIO GOLD is rapidly absorbed and activates the plant’s metabolism allowing for optimal development and rapid recovery of stressed and/or blocked plants.


  • High effectiveness at low dosages thanks to the very high concentration;
  • Biostimulating action thanks to the high presence of peptides, oligopeptides and free amino acids, all of vegetable origin;
  • Activation of plant metabolism thanks to the high content of totally soluble organic nitrogen;
  • Environmentally friendly and innovative as it comes from the enzymatic hydrolysis of plant tissues;
  • Easy to use thanks to the high solubility;
  • Increased effectiveness of the products distributed together thanks to the co-formulating action of the amino acid matrix.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature

Verv N9

Promoter of radical activity

VERV N9 is an organic nitrogen fertilizer with a very high content of amino acids, oligopeptides and peptides, greater than 50%, obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis (low salinity). VERV N9 has a phytostimulant action and a very high nutritional efficiency, promoting the development and activity of both the roots and the foliar apparatus. VERV N9 improves soil fertility conditions and stimulates the growth of microorganisms and their activity.


  • Stimulating effect thanks to the high content of amino acids, oligopeptides and peptides > 50%;
  • Promotes the development of the plant in particular of the roots;
  • It increases the efficiency of the fertilizers used in combination,
  • More constant release and limited risk of leaching;
  • It increases the biological fertility of the soil thanks to the quality of the organic matrix (low salinity) and the C/N ratio equal to 8;
  • Versatility since it can be used both in fertigation and foliar application in association with other products for nutrition and defence.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Highly concentrated activator of humic acid extracts

NATURBLACK is a concentrate of humic extracts (28% of which 22% humic and 6% fulvic) with an activating action on the plant. NATURBLACK applied on the leaves has an auxin-like physioactivating action that is particularly strong in situations of high stress for the plant (weeding, sudden changes in temperature, pruning, hail, etc). NATURBLACK used in fertigation stimulates rooting, counteracts post-transplant stress of seedlings, promotes the absorption of nutrients blocked in the soil, improves soil structure and it is an ideal substrate for the proliferation of useful soil microorganisms. NATURBLACK, having an acidic pH, is optimal both in combination with pesticides and other fertilizers.


  • Stimulates the growth and development of the plant by activating its metabolism;
  • It has an anti-stress effect for the plant (transplant, weeding, sudden changes in temperature, pruning, hail, frost);
  • Promotes rooting and facilitates the absorption of nutrients present in the soil;
  • Improves the physicial fertility of the soil (structure) and the biological fertility, by promoting the development of useful microorganisms in the soil;
  • Improves the effectiveness of the products combined with it (fertilizers, pesticides) thanks to the acidic pH.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature

HydroStar BTC

Organo-mineral promoter of early stages of development

HYDROSTAR is a formulation composed of pure and highly soluble raw materials. HYDROSTAR contains a high percentage of organic nitrogen totally derived from plant extracts (enzymatic hydrolysis) with activating action for the plant and carrier for the mineral matrices present. The product has an acidic pH and is characterized by the absence of chlorides, sulphates, carbonates and urea nitrogen, which makes it usable in any vegetative phase and also for foliar.
These characteristics make HYDROSTAR a product that is effective at low dosages.
HYDROSTAR has an action of rooting and strengthening the plant while promoting flowering, thanks to the presence of pure extracts of the seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum.


• Better and faster planting;
• Better post-transplant recovery;
• Strengthening of the roots and collars of plants (increased resistance to environmental stress);
• Strengthening of the plant (closer flower stands);
• Improved flowering and fruit size.

LeafInnovation in agriculture

Leaf P-Ca

Specific formulation for size and quality

LEAF P-Ca contains a synergistic formulation of phosphorus and calcium bound together. LEAF P-Ca is effective at low dosages thanks to the high concentration of completely soluble phosphorus and calcium. LEAF P-Ca can be used both in the early stages, rooting and vegetative development, and in the stages of flowering, fruit set and fruit development (increasing size, uniformity, hardness and shelf life)


  • Greater size and quality of the fruit (uniformity, hardness and shelf life);
  • Synergistic formulation, bound and highly assimilable phosphorus and calcium;
  • Low dosages thanks to the high concentration of phosphorus and calcium (P 23.6% – Ca 6%) completely soluble;
  • Extremely versatile product that can be used in every phenological phase.
LeafInnovation in agriculture

Power BioMaster


Power BioMaster is an NPK organo-mineral compound fertilizer micro-granular obtained by granulation from noble raw materials allowed in organic farming. The ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur makes it ideal for fertilizing fruit crops, grapevine and vegetables. The conformation of the granule and its granulometry (1-2 mm) make it suitable for distribution both with fertilizer spreaders and with distributors present in seeders and transplanters. Ideal for applying the starter technique at transplant or at sowing.

Proser Ca

Quality and shelf life

PROSER CA is a specific product for the quality (color and dry substance) and shelf-life of the fruit. The calcium present is conveyed and completely assimilated thanks to the action of low molecular weight carboxylic acids. PROSER CA acts as an acidifier, improving the effectiveness of the products combined with it.


  • More storable, firm and compact fruits both on the plant and in the post-harvest;
  • Increased production, greater dry matter;
  • Greater strength of the plant, thanks to the high absorption and transmission of calcium;
  • Balanced development of the plant, due to the biostimulating action of the carboxylic acids;
  • Improvement of the effectiveness of combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), by acidifying the solution.

ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Color MgZn

Greening agent with magnesium sulfur and zinc

Color MgZn is a greening action fertilizer containing magnesium and zinc. Color MgZn is rapidly absorbed, increases the photosynthetic activity and favors the relaxation of plant tissues. Color MgZn has an acidifying action both when used in foliar application and in fertigation. Color MgZn prevents damage due to magnesium deficiency.


  • It has a greening action and increases the photosynthetic activity of the plant;
  • Promotes the distension of plant tissues stem, veins, rachis, petioles;
  • Effectively prevents the onset of chlorosis due to magnesium deficiencies and zinc;
  • It has a rapid effectiveness thanks to the formulation that makes the nutrients easily absorbed and translocated within the plant.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Leaf N-Fast

Efficiency in nitrogen nutrition

LEAF N-FAST is a highly efficient liquid nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrogen in the urea form complexed with lignosulfonates is rapidly absorbed and is 4 times more effective. LEAF N-FAST increases productivity and quality, stimulates photosynthetic activity, vegetative development and the rapid transformation of nitrogen into enzymes and proteins.


  • Increase in productivity and quality, increase in photosynthetic activity, vegetative development and rapid transformation of nitrogen into proteins;
  • High efficiency nitrogen readily available;
  • No risk of phytotoxicity even at high dosages;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), as, thanks to the ligninsulphonates, it has a wetting, tackifying and carrier effect.
LeafInnovation in agriculture

Leaf S-Quality

Promotes quality and protein content

LEAF S-QUALITY contains nitrogen and sulfur totally available for the plant making it effective even at low dosages. LEAF S-QUALITY contains faster nitrogen in the urea form and ammonia, more durable over time, which guarantee a balanced development of the crop. LEAF S-QUALITY also provides sulfur which, when applied on the leaf, favors the accumulation of proteins, oil yield and the aroma of wine. In fertigation, it acidifies the rhizosphere and promotes the absorption of nutrients.


  • It promotes quality by helping the accumulation of proteins, the yield in oil, the aroma of wine thanks to the balanced content of nitrogen and sulfur;
  • It increases productivity by stimulating the plant to absorb the nutrients present in the soil;
  • It is efficient at low doses, since nitrogen and sulfur are totally available to the plant.
LeafInnovation in agriculture

Giove Bio

100% vegetal physioactivator

GIOVE BIO is a 100% vegetal concentrated physioactivator rich in vegetal amino acids (about 50%), obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis. GIOVE BIO, thanks to the high content of organic nitrogen, readily assimilable, promotes balanced vegetative development. GIOVE BIO is rich in glycine, an amino acid with a carrier action, which improves the effectiveness of the products associated with it, and proline, an amino acid with an anti-stress action, which promotes growth and productivity even in the event of unfavorable climatic conditions.


  • It has a biostimulating action thanks to the high presence of peptides, oligopeptides and free amino acids, all of vegetable origin;
  • It activates the metabolism of the plant thanks to the high content of totally soluble organic nitrogen;
  • It’s environmentally friendly and innovative as it comes from the enzymatic hydrolysis of plant tissues;
  • It increases the effectiveness of the products distributed together thanks to the co-formulating action of the amino acid matrix.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature

Be-Start 5.15

High efficiency liquid starter with betaines
5.15, betaines

BE START 5.15 is a ready-to-assimilate liquid starter. BE START 5.15 is characterized by a balanced content of nitrogen and phosphorus. The phosphorus being bound to the betaines is conveyed more efficiently and is not leached reducing the risk of retrogradation. BE START 5.15 stimulates rooting, strengthens the plant, promotes flowering and fruit setting and, if applied during fruit development, it promotes enlargement and hardening of the stone; in the vineyards it favors the lengthening of the bunch and strengthens the petiole.


  • High performance liquid starter, readily assimilable nitrogen and phosphorus since they are totally soluble;
  • High efficiency since nitrogen and phosphorus complexed by the organic matrix are not retrogradable and not leachable;
  • Biostimulating action and protection from stress thanks to the presence of betaines;
  • Versatility, as it can be applied both by foliar and root application.
FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Energy promptly available

IRIDE contains organic phosphorus in the form of vegetal origin, with a stimulating action. IRIDE, providing phosphorus readily assimilable by the plant and humic and fulvic acids (24%), facilitates rooting and vegetative development. Being rich in carbohydrates, IRIDE gives energy to both the plant and the soil, promoting the development of useful microorganisms and increasing fertility.


  • Energy booster, stimulates root development, flowering and vegetative development;
  • Biostimulating action, thanks to the combined action of a high content of humic and fulvic acids (23%) and betaines;
  • Rapid effectiveness since nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, being of organic origin, are totally soluble and readily assimilable;
  • High efficiency since nutrients in organic form are difficult to retrograde and leach.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Betainphosphate from roots to fruit

EDAFOS contains a high title of phosphorus complexed with betaines. EDAFOS has a starter action, promotes rooting, stimulates blossoming and strengthens the plant. The combined action of phosphorus and betaines makes the plant less susceptible to stressful conditions. EDAFOS thanks to the very acidic pH creates an optimal environment for the absorption of nutrients. If used on stone fruits after fruit set, it stimulates the growth and the hardening of the stone. On the vine, after fruit set, it stimulates the elongation of the bunch.


  • Better root development, increase and synchronization of blossoming, better fruit set thanks to the high content of soluble and rapidly absorbable phosphorus;
  • High efficiency as the phosphorus complexed by the organic matrix is ​​not retrograded and leaching is limited;
  • Biostimulating action and protection from stress thanks to the presence of betaines;
  • Better nutrition efficiency thanks to better root development and acid pH.
FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Potassium activated for maturation

K-FAST contains a high content of activated potassium. K-FAST thanks to the synergistic action of sulfur and humic and fulvic acids, acidifies the rhizosphere allowing complete absorption of potassium which is rapidly translocated in the fruit. K-FAST also performs an anti-stress action supporting the plant in the delicate phase of fruit ripening, allowing you to harvest quality fruit with a higher dry matter content, limiting the risk of over-ripening.


  • Stimulates ripening, uniforms and increases color and brix degree thanks to the high content of soluble and rapidly absorbable potassium;
  • High efficiency since the potassium complexed by the organic matrix limits the risk of leaching;
  • It has a bio-stimulating and stress-protective action thanks to the presence of humic and fulvic acids;
  • Increases nutrition efficiency thanks to a better root development and an acidic pH.
FuturaBiostimulants by nature

Power BioNascor

Micro-granular organic NP fertilizer

Power BioNascor is a micro-granular NP organic fertilizer (1-2 mm), obtained by granulation from a mixture of high quality organic matrices. The organic matter is rich in amino acids, humic and fulvic acids which help to absorb nutrients. Phosphorus acts in the first development stages of plants; organic nitrogen is slowly released during the whole production cycle. Power BioNascor is the ideal fertilizer for cereals, horticultural crops and fruit trees. The reduced granulometry allows its distribution with spreaders, micro-granulators and transplanting machines during transplant (starter technique) or in furrow, in contact with the seed.

SuperPower Extra

Micro-granular mineral NP fertilizer

SuperPower Extra is a mineral micro-granular (0.7 – 1.7 mm) NP compound fertilizer. It has a high content of soluble phosphorus and can be absorbed in the first development stages of the plant. Boron, zinc and iron help to prevent chlorosis phenomena. SuperPower Extra promotes root development, anticipates flowering and respects the environment. Its formulation allows the application in furrow, in contact with the seed, or during transplant (starter technique), thus reducing dosages and improving the fertilizer efficiency.



NP organo-mineral fertilizer allowed for organic farming

BioNascor is an organic NP fertilizer obtained by granulation from a mixture of high quality organic matrices (bone meal, stillage, turf and hydrolyzed gelatin) allowed for organic farming. The organic matter is rich in amino acids, humic and fulvic acids which help to absorb nutrients. Phosphorus acts in the first development stages of plants; organic nitrogen is slowly released during the whole production cycle. BioNascor is ideal for cereals, horticultural crops and fruit trees. Its granulometry allows a distribution with spreaders or micro-granulators and transplanting machines. It can be applied both in furrow and at transplant (starter technique).


NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Blurain is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer with microelements obtained by granulation. Its formulation is based on the technology “NUECR4” developed by Cerea FCP, providing the fertilizer with the following characteristics:

  • it increases the Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE)
  • it slowly releases elements
  • it supports a vigorous and constant plant growth from the earliest vegetative phases
  • it increases yield
  • it promotes environmental sustainability

Blurain is indicated for fruit trees, small fruits, horticultural crops in open field and in greenhouse. Ideal for basal application or localized (starter technique).



Granular organo-mineral NPK fertilizer
8.17.8+5CaO+15SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Cereawin is an organo-mineral NPK fertilizer with high quality raw materials, obtained by granulation. Its formulation is based on the technology “NUECR4” developed by Cerea FCP, providing the fertilizer with the following characteristics:

  • it increases the Nutrient Use Efficiency (NUE)
  • it slowly releases elements
  • it supports a vigorous and constant plant growth since the earliest vegetative phases
  • it increases yield
  • it promotes environmental sustainability

Moreover, the organic matter and humic acids increase soil fertility and microbial activities, ensuring nutrients availability. Ideal for open field horticultural crops which need a high content of phosphorus in the early vegetative phases.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Nano.t Fe Bio

Effectively prevents iron chlorosis

NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 allows a better contribution of iron thanks to nanotechnology. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is recommended to prevent iron chlorosis by using an iron control agent. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is effective in high soil with high chlorosing power characterized by a high content of active limestone. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is recommended for the application in fertigation and is also usable in soilless cultivations (peat, coconut fiber). The NANO.T production process is a patent from FCP Cerea.



  • It effectively prevents iron chlorosis, even in soils with high chlorinating power where the chelates are not very effective;
  • Promotes optimal development of the root system;
  • Persistent since it is not deactivated (effective at pH> 1-10) and it is not subject to leaching;
  • Easily usable:
    • It can be used during the day as it is not photosensitive
    • It does not create deposits in fertigation systems
    • It can be applied both in fertigation and localized with the injector pole
    • The acidic pH increases the effectiveness of the fertilizers associated with it and removes any encrustations

Nano.TTechnology for agriculture

Nano.t Total

Complete and innovative nutrition

NANO.T TOTAL supplies the plant with a complete and innovative nutrition thanks to the NANO.T production process patented by FCP Cerea. NANO.T TOTAL promotes root growth, the balanced development of vegetation and, thanks to the presence of iron, it stimulates photosynthesis. NANO.T TOTAL being a colloidal suspension is neither retrograded nor leached from the ground resulting effective at low dosages. NANO.T TOTAL, due to its composition and acidic pH, favours root absorption and has an unblocking action on the nutrients already present in the soil.


  • Stimulates root development and flowering thanks to the non-retrogradable Nano-phosphorus which is completely available to the plant;
  • Improves the absorption efficiency of the root thanks to the acidic pH;
  • Promotes vegetative and productive development;
  • Increases fruit quality thanks to totally assimilable nitrogen and potassium;
  • Low environmental impact as it is non-leachable and retrogradable.

Nano.TTechnology for agriculture


Bioactivator for flowering and fruit set

B-Power is a bioactivator which, thanks to the particular formulation based on natural components of plant origin, performs a double action: it activates the plant’s metabolism and has an anti-stress effect. B-Power contains boron complexed with humic and fulvic acids, thus resulting totally assimilable and conveyed inside the plant. B-Power stimulates root development, increasing nutrient absorption and promotes blossoming and fruit set.


  • It activates the plant by promoting flowering and fruit set;
  • It stimulates root development;
  • It increases nutrient absorption;
  • It has an anti-stress action.
FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 30.10.10 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer. The high nitrogen content makes it ideal during the vegetative development stages before blossoming. Thanks to the different forms of nitrogen (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic), it guarantees a constant intake of the nutrient throughout the whole crop cycle.
It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that ensure an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring the biochemical processes of the plant. It can be applied in fertigation.


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 7.15.30 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer. The high phosphorus and potassium formulation makes it ideal for the fertilization of horticultural crops before transplant. Magnesium helps to improve physiological processes of the plant, such as photosynthesis. It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that ensure an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring biochemical processes. It can be applied in fertigation.


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 17.6.21 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer. The high nitrogen and potassium formulation supports the plant during fruit set. Thanks to the different forms of nitrogen (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic), it guarantees a constant intake of the nutrient throughout the whole crop cycle.
Calcium helps to prevent some physiopathologies such as blossom-end rot in tomato/pepper/melon, tip burn in lettuce, bitter-pit in apple trees. It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that ensure an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring biochemical processes. It can be applied in fertigation.


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 10.40.10 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer that can be applied in fertigation. The high phosphorus content helps the root development of the plant and the first growth stages after transplant. Magnesium helps to improve physiological processes, such as photosynthesis. It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that ensure an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring biochemical processes.


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 15.5.25 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer. The high potassium content supports the plant at fruit set. Magnesium helps to improve some physiological processes in the plant, such as photosynthesis. It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that ensure an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring biochemical processes.
It can be applied in fertigation.

CereaS 38

Nitrogen-based granular fertilizer

Cereas 38 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending. It has a high content of ureic nitrogen. The combination of ureic and ammoniacal nitrogen in synergy with sulphur guarantees a high nutritional value for plants (increase in protein content in cereal crops). Its formulation allows a maximum absorption of nitrogen.
It is ideal for winter cereal crops.

Evolution 56

Nitrogen-based granular fertilizer with activator

Evolution 56 is a granulated nitrogen-based fertilizer activated with amino acids obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis. It has a high sulphur content which, in synergy with nitrogen, guarantees a higher protein content in many crops. The activated formulation (urea nitrogen plus ammoniacal nitrogen) allows a gradual and progressive release of nitrogen; the ammonia fraction is already available from the first vegetative phases, while urea nitrogen will become available in the forms assimilable by the plant at a later stage. Evolution 56 is soluble, and this improves nitrogen absorption. Its formulation increases the absorption of potassium, the organoleptic qualities of plants, the efficiency of use of nutritive elements and it respects the environment.

CereaSlow 33

Nitrogen-based granular slow-release fertilizer
33.0.0+30SO3 with NBPT

CereaSlow 33 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending with ureic nitrogen stabilised with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
The high sulphur content, in synergy with nitrogen, favours the protein synthesis processes in the plant.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal crops.

Più Sprint

stabilised nitrogen fertiliser
24.9.5+10SO3+5Cao+2MgO with NBPT

Più Sprint is a nitrogen fertiliser obtained by mixing urea nitrogen stabilised with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits urease activity in the soil, preventing volatilisation losses by reducing them by up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granule through a coating process that allows the granules to be uniformly coated, increasing its effectiveness in use. The high water solubility of the other components combined with the high quality of potassium make this product extremely effective in a wide range of applications.


CereaSlow 40

Nitrogen-based granular slow-release fertilizer
40.0.0+13SO3 with NBPT

CereaSlow 40 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending with ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
The combination of ureic and ammoniacal nitrogen, in synergy with sulphur, favours protein synthesis processes in the plant.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal and extensive crops.

CereaSlow 46

Nitrogen-based granular slow-release fertilizer
46.0.0 with NBPT

CereaSlow 46 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal crops.


Nitrogen-based granular slow-release fertilizer
30.15.0+2MgO with NBPT

StarSlow is an NP granular fertilizer obtained by blending ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
StarSlow has a high phosphorus content which is water-soluble and easy to be absorbed by the plant.
It is ideal for pre-sowing or localized applications.


Water-soluble crystalline fertilizer

Fertigation 20.20.20 is a water-soluble NPK crystalline fertilizer that can be applied in fertigation.
The balanced nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratio makes it available for all stages of the crop cycle by providing a balanced nutrition. Nitrogen is present in three forms (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic) that ensure a constant release throughout the whole crop cycle. The high phosphorus content improves the root system.
It contains microelements chelated with EDTA, that guarantee an easier assimilation preventing possible deficiencies and favouring biochemical processes.
It is particularly indicated for horticultural crops and fruit trees.

Land Plus

NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Land Plus is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer with activator, obtained by granulation. It contains high-solubility and availability mineral matrices. The high amount of nitrogen in different forms (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic) and the synergy with sulphur improve the protein content in several crops. Its balanced formulation and the presence of calcium, magnesium, sulphur and microelements ensure a complete nutrition to the plant. It contains humic acids.
Land Plus is indicated for pre-sowing applications on cereal crops, oil crops and fruit trees.

Land 30

NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Land 30 is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. The high amount of nitrogen in different forms (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic) and its synergy with sulphur improve the protein content in several crops. The presence of calcium, magnesium, sulphur, and microelements offers a complete nutrition to the plant.
It is indicated for pre-sowing applications on cereal crops, oil crops and fruit trees.

Universal Up

NP mineral granular fertilizer

Universal Up is an NP mineral compound fertilizer activated with humic acids. It contains different forms of nitrogen (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic) and presents a high content of soluble phosphorus. Humic acids facilitate the absorption of nutrients and protect phosphorus from retrogradation (insolubility).
It is indicated for fruit trees and extensive crops.


Phosphatic mineral granular fertilizer

Cereaphos is a mineral fertilizer obtained by granulation with a high solubility and availability phosphatic matrix. The presence of sulphur increases the organoleptic aspects of crops, while boron favours flowering and fruit set by ensuring a more stable production. Zinc is important as it is a forerunner of many physiological reactions of plants and it is also a cofactor in phosphorus absorption.
Cereaphos contains humic acids.
It is indicated for localized fertilization at sowing or transplant.

Cerea Blu

NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Cerea Blu is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation.
The nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium ratio, together with magnesium, sulphur and microelements guarantees a balanced nutrition. The synergy between nitrogen and sulphur improves the protein content in several crops.
It is ideal for pre-sowing applications of cereal crops, oil crops and fruit trees.

Super Red

NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Super Red is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains a high amount of nitrogen in different forms (nitric, ammoniacal, ureic) and a high amount of sulphur. The synergy between nitrogen and sulphur improves the protein content in several crops.
It is indicated for pre-sowing applications on cereal crops, oil crops, and fruit trees.

Terra 33

NPK mineral granular fertilizer

Terra 33 is an NPK mineral fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains mineral matrices of high quality and has a slightly acidic pH that favours the mobilisation of nutrients in the soil and their absorption by the roots. The synergy between nitrogen and sulphur improves the protein content in several crops.
It is indicated for pre-sowing applications on cereal crops, oil crops, fodder plants and fruit trees.


NPK organo-mineral fertilizer allowed for organic farming

BioAger is an NPK organo-mineral compound fertilizer allowed for organic farming obtained by the granulation of noble raw materials. The organic matrix of BioAger has a high nutritional value and is easily absorbed by microorganisms. The organic matrices provide organic nitrogen and organic humified carbon, essential elements to improve soil structure and plant growth.
It has a high content of glycine betaines, molecules that generally develop in conditions of environmental stress; they act as osmoprotectants in plants and increase their productivity. It contains slow-release sulphur which allows a better root development. The balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the presence of calcium, magnesium and sulphur make BioAger ideal for fruit trees, grapevine, olive trees, and horticultural crops.


NPK organo-mineral fertilizer allowed for organic farming

BioMaster is an NPK organo-mineral compound fertilizer allowed for organic farming and obtained by granulation of noble raw materials. The balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sulphur makes it ideal for fruit trees, grapes and horticultural crops.
Its granulometry allows distributing BioMaster both with spreaders and micro-granulators (starter technique).


NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Global is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with high-solubility mineral matrices. The high content of potassium sulphate makes it ideal for crops sensitive to the presence of chlorine. The high content of soluble sulphur improves nitrogen absorption.
It contains magnesium, an important element in photosynthesis processes and an essential constituent of chlorophyll.
It is indicated for pre-transplant applications on horticultural crops, fruit trees and alfalfa.


NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Bluactive is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with high-solubility mineral matrices. The balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, together with magnesium and microelements, guarantees a complete nutrition of the crop. The high content of potassium sulphate makes it ideal for crops that are sensitive to the presence of chlorine. Bluactive is indicated for fruit trees and a localized application at sowing (starter) on extensive crops.


NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Base is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with high-solubility matrices. The balanced content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium guarantees a complete nutrition of the plant. The product is rich in soluble sulphur and the synergy between nitrogen and sulphur increases the protein content in cereal crops.
It is indicated for pre-sowing and pre-transplant applications on extensive and horticultural crops.


NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Control is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with high-solubility and availability mineral matrices. It contains 5% of urea-formaldehyde which guarantees a constant slow release of nitrogen over time. The high content of water-soluble sulphur improves nitrogen absorption.
Control assists plant nutrition after the first vegetative stages by favouring the expansion and development of the root system.
It is indicated for horticultural crops, fruit trees and turf.



NPK mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content

Mastercote is an NPK mineral compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with high-solubility and availability mineral matrices. It contains 12% of coated urea which allows a controlled release of nitrogen over time and guarantees an improved nutrient intake in the proper phenological stages; in this way the development of the root and the foliar systems is promoted. The high content of water-soluble sulphur helps nitrogen absorption.
It is indicated for horticultural crops, fruit trees and turf.


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer

Olivo is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. 1% of slow-release organic nitrogen guarantees a constant absorption over time. It has a high content of soluble phosphorus, easy to be absorbed by the plant. Boron favours pollination and the fertility of flowers. The presence of humic acids allows a more rapid and efficient translocation of nutrients in the plant and provide organic matter to the soil.
It is ideal to improve the quality and productivity of fruit trees and olive trees.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Master Plus

NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer
10.8.15+3CaO+2MgO+26SO3+0,01B+0,03Zn+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Master is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation with highly soluble mineral matrices. It has a slightly acidic pH that facilitates the mobility of nutrients into the soil. The synergy between nitrogen and sulphur increases the protein content in crops.
It is ideal for pre-sowing applications on cereal and oil crops, fodder plants, and fruit trees.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer
10.5.15+2CaO+22SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Master is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. The balanced nutritional composition makes it ideal for alkaline soils.
It contains soluble phosphorus, easy to be absorbed by the plant, and slow-release organic nitrogen. The presence of humic acids guarantees a better assimilation of nutrients. It is recommended for pre-sowing applications on extensive and oil crops.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Ortofrutto Special Top

NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer
14.5.5+2Ca+30SO3+0,01B+7,5C-Org 1N-Org

Ortofrutto Special Top is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. It has a high content of soluble phosphorus, easy to be absorbed by the plant. The presence of humic acids guarantees a better assimilation of nutrients and provides organic matter to the soil. Boron favours pollination and the fertility of flowers.
It is ideal to improve the quality and productivity of fruit trees and horticultural crops.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Leaf K

Acid potassium for ripening

LEAF K stimulates ripening and uniforms it by increasing the color and the brix degree of the fruit. The particular formulation avoids overripening effects, maintaining the consistency of the fruit and of the shelf-life. LEAF K can be used in association with pesticides as having a sub-acidic pH does not reduce their effectiveness and persistence.


  • It stimulates ripening and makes it uniform by increasing the color and the brix degree;
  • It avoids over-ripening effects, maintaining fruit firmness and shelf-life;
  • It increases yields increasing the dry matter in the fruit;
  • It can be used in association with pesticides as having a sub-acidic pH does not reduce its effectiveness and persistence.
LeafInnovation in agriculture


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content
8.6.14+3CaO+2MgO+30SO3+0,01B+0,5Fe+0,01Zn+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Vinfrutto is an NPK complex organo-mineral fertilizer containing microelements. It is obtained by granulation and it has a low chlorine content. Its formulation allows a complete and balanced intake of essential nutrients for plants. It contains:

  • 2% organic nitrogen: slow-release nitrogen which guarantees an absorption over time (excellent carbon/nitrogen ratio which stimulates microbial activity in the soil)
  • Highly soluble phosphorus (protected by humic acids), therefore more easily assimilable
  • Soluble sulphur, calcium, magnesium, boron, iron and zinc which guarantee a complete nutrition.

Vinfrutto is mostly recommended for autumn and/or spring fertilization of fruit trees.


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content
6.10.20+3CaO+22SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Jolly is an organo-mineral NPK fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. Its high sulphur content improves the quality of the organoleptic aspects of crops. It has a high potassium sulphate content. It is ideal for fall and spring fertilization of fruit trees.

It contains 2% of slow-release organic nitrogen which guarantees a constant absorption over time. Phosphorus is soluble, therefore easily assimilable.


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer with low chlorine content
8.16.8+3CaO+20SO3+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Ortoplus is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. It has a high content of soluble phosphorus, therefore easily absorbed by the plant. Moreover, the presence of humic acids allows a better assimilation of nutrients.
It contains 2% of slow-release organic nitrogen which guarantees a constant absorption over time.


NP organo-mineral granular fertilizer
10.20.0+4CaO+20SO3+0,03Zn+0,01B+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Granoro is an organo-mineral NP compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value and a soluble phosphorus content. The presence of humic acids allows a better assimilation of nutrients. Its high content of soluble sulphur improves the protein content in cereal crops.
It is ideal for pre-sowing applications on winter cereals.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds


NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer
6.10.18+3CaO+2MgO+12SO3+0,03Zn-0,01B+7,5C-Org 2N-Org

Flex is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. The balanced ratio among nutrients is ideal for the fertilization of alkaline soils. 2% of slow-release organic nitrogen guarantees a constant absorption over time. Phosphorus is largely soluble, therefore it is assimilated by the plant more easily.
It is recommended for pre-planting applications on extensive and oil crops.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds

Ortofrutto Special

NPK organo-mineral granular fertilizer
12.6.6+3CaO+26SO3+0,01B+7,5C-Org 1N-Org

Ortofrutto Special is an organo-mineral NPK compound fertilizer obtained by granulation. It contains both organic and mineral matrices with a high nutritional value. 1% of slow-release organic nitrogen guarantees a constant absorption over time, and phosphorus is soluble, therefore it is assimilated by the plant more easily. Boron favours the pollination and fertility of flowers, while the presence of humic acids allows a more rapid and efficient translocation of nutrients in the plant and provide organic matter to the soil.
It is recommended to improve the quality and productivity of fruit trees and horticultural crops.

FertThe benefits of the two worlds


Synergist of treatments with anti-stress action

Verv is a product with a specific action, co-formulant of natural origin obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis, effective both in foliar application and in fertigation. Verv acts as a synergist of foliar and root treatments by exerting a surfactant, humectant, carrier and adhesive action. Verv also has a nutritional action, it rehydrates the plant tissues and helps the plant to overcome stress conditions.



  • Increases the effectiveness of foliar products (fertilizers and protection products), improving their distribution on the leaf (dispersing and humectant effect) and absorption (vehicle effect);
  • Reduces leaching of  protection products and dispersion in the environment (adhesive effect);
  • Reduces the effect of stress due to the use of protection products;
  • It is rapidly absorbed by the plant due to its vegetal origin.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature

Febo Bio

Activated microelements for quality productions

FEBO BIO is a concentrate of trace elements complexed with lignosulphonate. FEBO BIO can be used throughout the production cycle: it promotes optimal plant development, improves nitrogen absorption, thanks to the presence of molybdenum, increases the size, quality and shelf life of the fruit. FEBO BIO is also recommended in post-harvest to restore nutrient reserves.


  • Optimal and balanced development of the plant (iron, manganese and zinc);
  • Better nitrogen absorption, thanks to the presence of molybdenum;
  • Optimal fruit development, size, quality and shelf life;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), as, thanks to the ligninsulphonates, it has a wetting, tackifying and carrier effect.

ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Febo Mix

Meso and microelements activated for photosynthesis

FEBO MIX is a concentrate of meso and microelements complexed with lignosulphonate. FEBO MIX, being rich in magnesium and iron, promotes chlorophyll photosynthesis and has a marked greening activity of the leaves. FEBO MIX activates the plant’s metabolism and allows healthy and robust growth.


  • Complete and balanced mix for the early stages of plant development (magnesium and iron);
  • High effectiveness and assimilability thanks to the presence of ligninsulphonates (foliar and root);
  • Environmentally friendly since the complexing agents are of vegetable origin with high stability;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), as, thanks to the ligninsulphonates, it has a wetting, tackifying and carrier effect.


ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Febo Total

Meso and microelements activated for the fruit

FEBO TOTAL is a product rich in calcium, magnesium and trace elements complexed with lignosulphonate. FEBO TOTAL is ideal for optimal fruit development as it improves colour, firmness and shelf life. FEBO TOTAL also acts on the plant by reinforcing it (highly effective calcium), stimulates photosynthesis (magnesium and iron) and stimulates metabolism (microelements).


  • Promotes optimal fruit development (size, quality and shelf life) thanks to the complete and balanced formulation;
  • Strengthens the plant (calcium), stimulates photosynthesis (magnesium and iron) and promotes metabolism (microelements);
  • Regenerates the plant’s nutrient reserves;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), as, thanks to the ligninsulphonates, it has a wetting, tackifying and carrier effect.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Verv Plus

Biopromoter of vegetative development

Verv Plus is a bio-promoter of vegetative development containing over 45% of total amino acids in mainly levorotatory form. Verv Plus activates the plant’s metabolism thanks to the presence of organic nitrogen of amino acid origin and a balanced mix of microelements. Verv Plus improves productivity by stimulating vegetative development, flowering and fruit setting.



  • Improves productivity by stimulating vegetative development, flowering and fruit set;
  • It has a biostimulating action thanks to the presence of free amino acids and oligopeptides;
  • It activates the metabolism of the plant thanks to the mix of microelements, preventing the onset of deficiencies;
  • It increases the effectiveness of the products distributed together, thanks to the co-formulating action of the amino acid matrix.

FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Thermoprotector and osmoregulator

Cerere acts as a thermoprotector and osmoregulator, it is composed of short-chain polyols and humic extracts of natural origin. Cerere is indicated to  limit damage from abiotic stress, in particular cold, heat, excessive salinity, root asphyxia and hail (after the event occurs, it helps the plant to recover faster).


  • Increases resistance and reduces recovery time in the event of damage from cold, heat, excessive salinity, root asphyxiation and hail;
  • It safeguards quantity and quality even in case of too low or too high temperatures, excesses of light and salinity stress;
  • Limits damage from cracking and burning;
  • Saving of water, possibility of lengthening the irrigation intervals as it increases the resistance of the crop to water stress;
  • Effective on all crops;
  • Easy to use, it can be applied mixed with all the main products.
FuturaBiostimulants by nature

Leaf N

Gradual nitrogen nutrition

LEAF N contains gradual release nitrogen which guarantees constant and long-lasting nutrition over time, avoiding vegetative excesses. LEAF N also provides sulfur and boron which increase the protein content, the oil yield and the aromatic profile of the grapes.


  • It increases production thanks to the presence of slow release nitrogen, which favors crop development and stay green;
  • It helps to overcome the most difficult development phases in spring due to non-optimal conditions with an immediate greening effect;
  • It improves fruit quality, increases the sugar level of cereals, increases the hectoliter weight of proteaginous plants and the protein content, thanks to the synergy between nitrogen and sulphur;
  • It promotes flowering and fruit setting due to the presence of boron;
  • Easy to use as it can be used both by foliar application and by fertigation.
LeafInnovation in agriculture

Glycos Plus

Promoter of coloring and brix degree

Glycos plus is a specific product to promote and uniform the color and brix degree of fruits. Glycos plus has a formulation based on amino acids and potassium designed to induce fruit ripening while maintaining its shelf life. Glycos plus also contains boron which promotes the absorption of potassium and amplifies its effectiveness.


  • Promotes and uniforms fruit color, increases quality and optimizes harvesting;
  • It increases the brix degree of the fruit (sugar content) improving its shelf life;
  • Maintains shelf life as it does not overripen the fruit;
  • Easy to use, it can be applied mixed with all the main foliar products
FuturaBiostimulants by nature


Growth bioactivator

StimUp is a specific action product with an activating action. StimUp stimulates vegetative and root development, flowering and fruit setting thanks to hormone-like activity. StimUp is effective at low doses as it contains short-chain humic and fulvic acids obtained by distillation, that are more active and easily absorbed by the plant.



  • Stimulates vegetative and root development thanks to hormone-like activity;
  • Increases flowering and fruit setting thanks to the biostimulant action;
  • High effectiveness at low dosages as it contains short-chain humic and fulvic acids obtained by distillation that are more easily absorbed by the plant;
  • Versatility, since it can be applied effectively both on the leaves and roots and can be combined with all the main liquid products on the market (fertilizers and pesticides).
FuturaBiostimulants by nature

SuperPower Plus

Micro-granular mineral NP fertilizer

SuperPower Plus is a mineral micro-granular NP compound fertilizer (granulometry 0,7 – 1,7 mm) with boron and zinc. This new formulation promotes plant growth, stimulates root development and provides several advantages:

  • Increases the Nutrient Use Efficiency
  • Promotes root development and root density
  • Anticipates flowering and maturation
  • It is environmentally friendly

It can be applied both in furrow, in contact with the seed, and at transplant (starter technique). This allows to reduce dosages thanks to an improved fertilizer use efficiency. It is recommended for extensive and horticultural crops.

SuperPower Humic

Micro-granular mineral NP fertilizer
9.29.0+8CaO+18SO3+0,07B+0,1Zn + humic acids

SuperPower Humic is a mineral micro-granular NP fertilizer with boron, zinc and humic acids (granulometry 0,7 – 1,7). Humic acids derive from vegetal matrices that have undergone a long process of decay in soil, providing organic matter to the soil explored by the roots. It can be applied both in furrow, in contact with the seed, and at transplant (starter technique). This allows to reduce dosages thanks to an improved fertilizer use efficiency. It is recommended for extensive and horticultural crops.

Power BioAger

Micro-granular organo-mineral NPK fertilizer

Power BioAger is a compound micro-granular (granulometry 1-2 mm) organo-mineral NPK fertilizer, obtained by granulation from high-quality raw materials allowed for organic farming. Its composition makes Power BioAger ideal for fruit trees, grapevine, olive trees, and horticultural crops. The reduced granulometry allows distributing Power BioAger both with spreaders, micro-granulators, and transplanting machines (starter technique). The C/N ratio equal to 3 allows to microorganisms into the soil to transform the organic nitrogen in nitrogen that can be absorbed by the plant, in order to avoid the nitrogen to be retained by the soil-plant system.

Nano.T Fe

Effectively prevents iron chlorosis
3Fe total

NANO.T Fe 2.0 effectively prevents iron chlorosis thanks to its formulation containing Nano-Iron in colloidal suspension. NANO.T Fe 2.0 is persistent because it is retained in the soil (it does not leach) and is stable in a very wide pH range from 1 to 10. NANO.T Fe 2.0 stimulates rooting and prevents post-transplant stress. The acidic pH favors the absorption of the fertilizers associated with it.
The NANO.T production process is a patent of FCP Cerea.


  • It effectively prevents iron chlorosis, even in soils with high chlorinating power where the chelates are not very effective;
  • Promotes an optimal development of the root system;
  • Persistent since it is not deactivated (effective at pH> 1-10) and is not subject to leaching;
  • Easily usable:
    • It can be used during the day as it is not photosensitive
    • It does not create deposits in fertigation systems
    • It can be applied both in fertigation and localized with the injector pole
    • The acidic pH increases the effectiveness of the fertilizers associated with it and removes any encrustations
Nano.TTechnology for agriculture

Nano.T Cu

High Efficiency Copper
4.5Cu Total

NANO.T Cu 4.5 contains copper with high nutritional efficiency thanks to the small size (nanotechnology) of the particles present in the formulation which makes it effective even at low dosage. NANO.T Cu 4.5 is ideal for TREATING DEFICIENCIES AND PREVENTING PHYSIOLOGICAL and mechanical DAMAGES (cracks, hail, pruning and harvesting) of the foliar and root system of the plant. NANO.T Cu 4.5, being a colloidal suspension of nano particles, has a wide contact surface and it does not leach when applied on the leaf and on the soil. NANO.T Cu 4.5 strengthens the plant and plant tissues and stimulates self-defense mechanisms to improve the response to disease and nutritional disorders.


  • Low-dosage effectiveness thanks to the wide contact surface;
  • Low environmental impact as it does not leach if applied on the leaf and in fertigation;
  • Low risk of phytotoxicity
  • It does not stain crops thanks to the innovative formulation;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (whether they are fertilizers and / or pesticides), by acidifying the solution.
Nano.TTechnology for agriculture


Micro-granular mineral NP fertilizer

SuperPower is a mineral micro-granular NP compound fertilizer (granulometry 0,7-1,7 mm) with a high content of phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium and sulphur. The new formulation and the phosphorus / nitrogen ratio favour a pronounced starter effect by promoting the initial growth of roots and make it suitable both for an application in furrow, in contact with the seed, and in the transplant phase (starter technique). This allows to reduce dosages and a greater efficiency of use. Particularly recommended for extensive and horticultural crops.

Proser Bio

Corrector of the rhizosphere

PROSER BIO is a rhizosphere corrector based on short chain carboxylic acids containing iron. PROSER BIO, thanks to the long-lasting action of the organic acidification of the rhizosphere, improves the absorption of nutrients and the fertility (structure and pH) of saline, sodium and calcareous soils.


  • More balanced development (they do not spin) and greater resistance to stress (biotic and abiotic);
  • Better absorption of nutrients, thanks to the long-acting organic acidification of the rhizosphere;
  • More capillary rooting, as Proser Bio limits soil salinity and improves its structure;
  • More fertile and productive soils since the product improves the structure and favors the development of useful microorganisms.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force



CALCITO is a rhizosphere corrector based on short-chain carboxylic acids containing calcium and magnesium. CALCIUM thanks to the long-acting organic acidification of the rhizosphere improves the absorption of nutrients, in particular calcium, and improves the fertility (structure and pH) of saline, sodic and calcareous soils. CALCITO prevents and treats calcium deficiencies (apical rot, cracking, bitter pit, tip burn) and strengthens plant tissues.

The combination with mineral and/or organo-mineral fertilizers is ideal to increase their effectiveness and absorption.


  • More balanced and resistant plants (biotic and abiotic stress) thanks to an optimal absorption of calcium;
  • Better absorption of nutrients, thanks to the long-acting organic acidification of the rhizosphere;
  • More capillary rooting and buffering of soil salinity;
  • Prevents calcium deficiency diseases: bitter pit, blossom end rot, lettuce hemming;
  • More fertile and productive soils as it favors the development of useful microorganisms.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

Proser MnZn

Growth promoter

PROSER MnZn is a growth promoter which, by promoting the multiplication of meristematic cells, stimulates the development of both roots and vegetative apexes. PROSER MnZn improves the absorption and activity of products applied in association, amplifying their effectiveness. PROSER MnZn has anti-stress action for biotic and abiotic events.


  • It stimulates vegetative and radical development increasing cell multiplication;
  • It promotes fruit development acting on plant metabolism;
  • It has an anti-stress action;
  • It improves the effectiveness of combined products (fertilizers and/or pesticides), acidifying the solution.
ReactiveThe meso & microelements force

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