Nanotechnology conference 2024

Rome 9 septemper 13:00 - 14:00 light lunch

A view of nano-enabled agriculture in Italy. Let's talk about the game rules

The purpose of applied research is to develop knowledge which will eventually lead to innovations that can potentially change the rules of the game in a production sector. The global primary sector is currently in a complicated phase. Structural efficiency is required to reduce pressure on the environment, which can be achieved by introducing technological innovations such as nanotechnologies. Several far-east countries and India have already implemented nano-enabled agriculture, while in the USA, significant resources have been invested in R&D projects.

However, in the EU, a precise system of regulations for nano-agrochemicals has not yet been established. A group of researchers in Italy are working on developing innovations, and some manufacturers are starting to enter the market. However, it is essential to understand the current and future market conditions in our country, the technical skills of farmers and the perceptions of consumers. The PRIN20022 Cleopatra project facilitates discussions with various stakeholders on these crucial issues.

Per FCP Cerea sarà presente Giuseppe Ciuffreda, Agronomo. Responsabile Ricerca e Sviluppo di FCP Cerea. Membro del comitato tecnico di Assofertilizzanti-Federchimica.


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