Technology for agriculture


Family of liquid fertilizers based on nanoparticles in colloidal suspension


Technology for agriculture

The Nano.T® line is obtained thanks to FCP Cerea's patented technology. It allows to correct deficiencies and chlorosis in a new way improving the efficiency of use of fertilizers by reducing dosages.

The fertilizers of the Nano.T® line are available in sizes of 1, 5 and 20 L.

For more details visit  NANO.T 

All products Nano.T

Nano.T Cu

High Efficiency Copper
4.5Cu Total

NANO.T Cu 4.5 contains copper with high nutritional efficiency thanks to the small size (nanotechnology) of the particles present in the formulation which makes it effective even at low dosage. NANO.T Cu 4.5 is ideal for TREATING DEFICIENCIES AND PREVENTING PHYSIOLOGICAL and mechanical DAMAGES (cracks, hail, pruning and harvesting) of the foliar and root system of the plant. NANO.T Cu 4.5, being a colloidal suspension of nano particles, has a wide contact surface and it does not leach when applied on the leaf and on the soil. NANO.T Cu 4.5 strengthens the plant and plant tissues and stimulates self-defense mechanisms to improve the response to disease and nutritional disorders.


  • Low-dosage effectiveness thanks to the wide contact surface;
  • Low environmental impact as it does not leach if applied on the leaf and in fertigation;
  • Low risk of phytotoxicity
  • It does not stain crops thanks to the innovative formulation;
  • It improves the effectiveness of the combined products (whether they are fertilizers and / or pesticides), by acidifying the solution.
Nano.TTechnology for agriculture

Nano.t Fe Bio

Effectively prevents iron chlorosis

NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 allows a better contribution of iron thanks to nanotechnology. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is recommended to prevent iron chlorosis by using an iron control agent. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is effective in high soil with high chlorosing power characterized by a high content of active limestone. NANO.T Bio Fe 2.0 is recommended for the application in fertigation and is also usable in soilless cultivations (peat, coconut fiber). The NANO.T production process is a patent from FCP Cerea.



  • It effectively prevents iron chlorosis, even in soils with high chlorinating power where the chelates are not very effective;
  • Promotes optimal development of the root system;
  • Persistent since it is not deactivated (effective at pH> 1-10) and it is not subject to leaching;
  • Easily usable:
    • It can be used during the day as it is not photosensitive
    • It does not create deposits in fertigation systems
    • It can be applied both in fertigation and localized with the injector pole
    • The acidic pH increases the effectiveness of the fertilizers associated with it and removes any encrustations

Nano.TTechnology for agriculture

Nano.t Total

Complete and innovative nutrition

NANO.T TOTAL supplies the plant with a complete and innovative nutrition thanks to the NANO.T production process patented by FCP Cerea. NANO.T TOTAL promotes root growth, the balanced development of vegetation and, thanks to the presence of iron, it stimulates photosynthesis. NANO.T TOTAL being a colloidal suspension is neither retrograded nor leached from the ground resulting effective at low dosages. NANO.T TOTAL, due to its composition and acidic pH, favours root absorption and has an unblocking action on the nutrients already present in the soil.


  • Stimulates root development and flowering thanks to the non-retrogradable Nano-phosphorus which is completely available to the plant;
  • Improves the absorption efficiency of the root thanks to the acidic pH;
  • Promotes vegetative and productive development;
  • Increases fruit quality thanks to totally assimilable nitrogen and potassium;
  • Low environmental impact as it is non-leachable and retrogradable.

Nano.TTechnology for agriculture

Nano.T Fe

Effectively prevents iron chlorosis
3Fe total

NANO.T Fe 2.0 effectively prevents iron chlorosis thanks to its formulation containing Nano-Iron in colloidal suspension. NANO.T Fe 2.0 is persistent because it is retained in the soil (it does not leach) and is stable in a very wide pH range from 1 to 10. NANO.T Fe 2.0 stimulates rooting and prevents post-transplant stress. The acidic pH favors the absorption of the fertilizers associated with it.
The NANO.T production process is a patent of FCP Cerea.


  • It effectively prevents iron chlorosis, even in soils with high chlorinating power where the chelates are not very effective;
  • Promotes an optimal development of the root system;
  • Persistent since it is not deactivated (effective at pH> 1-10) and is not subject to leaching;
  • Easily usable:
    • It can be used during the day as it is not photosensitive
    • It does not create deposits in fertigation systems
    • It can be applied both in fertigation and localized with the injector pole
    • The acidic pH increases the effectiveness of the fertilizers associated with it and removes any encrustations
Nano.TTechnology for agriculture