Più Sprint is a nitrogen fertiliser obtained by mixing urea nitrogen stabilised with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits urease activity in the soil, preventing volatilisation losses by reducing them by up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granule through a coating process that allows the granules to be uniformly coated, increasing its effectiveness in use. The high water solubility of the other components combined with the high quality of potassium make this product extremely effective in a wide range of applications.
Cereas 38 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending. It has a high content of ureic nitrogen. The combination of ureic and ammoniacal nitrogen in synergy with sulphur guarantees a high nutritional value for plants (increase in protein content in cereal crops). Its formulation allows a maximum absorption of nitrogen.
It is ideal for winter cereal crops.
Evolution 56 is a granulated nitrogen-based fertilizer activated with amino acids obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis. It has a high sulphur content which, in synergy with nitrogen, guarantees a higher protein content in many crops. The activated formulation (urea nitrogen plus ammoniacal nitrogen) allows a gradual and progressive release of nitrogen; the ammonia fraction is already available from the first vegetative phases, while urea nitrogen will become available in the forms assimilable by the plant at a later stage. Evolution 56 is soluble, and this improves nitrogen absorption. Its formulation increases the absorption of potassium, the organoleptic qualities of plants, the efficiency of use of nutritive elements and it respects the environment.
CereaSlow 33 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending with ureic nitrogen stabilised with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
The high sulphur content, in synergy with nitrogen, favours the protein synthesis processes in the plant.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal crops.
CereaSlow 40 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending with ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
The combination of ureic and ammoniacal nitrogen, in synergy with sulphur, favours protein synthesis processes in the plant.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal and extensive crops.
CereaSlow 46 is a nitrogen-based fertilizer obtained by blending ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
It is ideal for the fertilization of cereal crops.
StarSlow is an NP granular fertilizer obtained by blending ureic nitrogen stabilized with NBPT. This is a molecule that inhibits the activity of urease enzyme in the soil, reducing losses by volatilization up to 30%. NBPT is applied to the granules through a coating process which allows to cover them uniformly, increasing their effectiveness.
StarSlow has a high phosphorus content which is water-soluble and easy to be absorbed by the plant.
It is ideal for pre-sowing or localized applications.