After the harvesting, it is necessary to follow two guidelines of fertilization when it come to citrus fruits. The first one is a top dressing fertilization of the soil in order to restore the nutritive resources of the plant. Secondly, it is important to schedule a fertlization plan that guarantees a correct blossoming and the following setting of the fruit.
At the same time, it is essential not to forget that scarcity of iron can create iron chlorosis, a pathology that can severely impact the productivity of the plant.
technical line
granular fertilizers:
MASTER 300-400 kg/ha in alternative LAND 30 300-400 kg/ha.
top setting fertilizers
NANO.T FE 30 g/plants (circa 10 litri/ha)* + LEAF P-CA 10 litri/ha + GIOVE BIO GOLD 5-10 kg/ha.
*With iron chlorosis average conditions, soils with medium-low active limestone (< 3,6%) and IPC < 36. For more information, visit
Foliar application :
STIMUP 150-200 ml/ha + GIOVE BIO GOLD 1-1,5 kg/ha
n.2 times, one before blossoming and one after
To see the complete technical line for the citrus fruits click here